Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Effective Speaking Skills

————————————————- Effective Speaking Skills ————————————————- the basics for The Ice-breaker The icebreaker! (Aurora Australis) No not that one†¦ You’re first speech as a Toastmaster and, arguably, you’re most important. The icebreaker is the pretext for all speeches to follow and the one in which you’re good and bad speaking habits are identified. My talk tonight will include the Icebreakers; Purpose, structure and provide you with information on how to write and present your first speech as a toastmaster.It is important to note that in the fourth and final night of speech craft you will all be giving your own icebreakers. So firstly what is the purpose of the icebreaker? Quite simply the icebreaker is designed to give new participants a n introduction to public speaking; to give the speaker a feel for presenting a topic in front of a captive audience. The icebreaker is also used to discover speaking skills that you already have and identify which areas of your abilities need development.The icebreakers structure is typical to that of most speeches having an introduction, body and conclusion. Now without revisiting the fifth grade let me summarize quickly the most important features of each component. The introduction is used to reveal the topic and maybe most importantly GRAB ATTENTION. Continuing with your speech from this point would be futile if the listener has no reason to actively follow your speech. Great attention grabbers are things such as asking rhetorical questions, making startling statements, using humor or narrative and arousing curiosity.While most toastmasters are just as good listeners as they are speakers it is a simple truth that, outside of these walls, unless you give someone a reason to liste n to you; they won’t. The body of course is the crux of your talk and the reason you are standing in front of your peers. We will touch more on what the body of an icebreaker speech would normally include shortly. Finally the conclusion is used to summarize your speech and should always finish with impact.This can be achieved by closing with a quotation or narrative. The second and most unique component to the Icebreakers structure is its timing. The Icebreaker is a four to six minute speech and as you will notice on the timekeepers lights; the green light appears at four minutes, the amber at five and the red at six. So how do I write and present my icebreaker speech? The best way to begin your speaking experience is to talk about a familiar subject – yourself.It would be near impossible to condense your life into 5 minutes so you must narrow it by selecting some significant and interesting life events that will give your fellow toastmasters an introduction and brief insight into you as an individual. This might include your birthplace, education, family and/or future ambitions. You could speak of your recent travels to Asia and tell of some funny stories whilst there or you could simply give a brief chronological account of your life to this point highlighting the key parts.Select your visual aids carefully should you choose to use them. Be wary not to provide too much or too little information so as to confuse the viewer and listener. For instance; if I was suddenly giving a lesson on the special theory of relativity it’s simply a gross impracticality to provide all the information in a single slide expecting the listener to understand. Instead provide your visual be it a slide presentation or object with as much simplicity and symbolism as possible so as to maximize meaning whilst minimizing clutter.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Curriculum Guide for Spoken Language and Word Recognition Essay

Spoken language and word recognition are two language components that bear relevance for the development of language skills. This kind of development normally occurs during childhood but it also happens when a person attempts to learn a language or languages that are foreign to him or her. A special education guided with a comprehensive curriculum is important for the proper development and improvement of the individual’s language skills. Spoken language is a very important subject because it teaches the natural language used by a person. Most of the human languages are spoken languages. Spoken language is done through the mouth and the vocal cords that enable the person to speak and create a message which sets it apart from the sign language and written language which is carried out through signs and writing systems, respectively. The development of oral or spoken language normally occurs without formal teaching. It develops through exposure to the spoken language. The oral language is also the foundation of the reading and written language (â€Å"Spoken Language Problems†, 2000). People use the spoken language to express ideas, opinions and feelings. It is also utilized to confirm understanding of the instructions and opinions of other people. Individuals also learn to use the spoken language to interact and communicate with others (Cable, 2005). Word recognition is also an important part of the language development. It is the process of recognizing words automatically, the same way that people recognize familiar faces. Word recognition is vital in education because it enhances reading fluency and comprehension and skills that are essential in students’ education development and improvement. If students are taught of word recognition, they will easily understand the text’s meaning (Hong, n. d. ). Instructional Goals After taking this course, the student must; †¢ Acquire full understanding on the various facets of language. †¢ Learn how to speak and communicate fluently utilizing the spoken language. †¢ Learn how to easily recognize words in text. †¢ Show improvement on the following aspects: ? Language Proficiency ? Reading Skills ? Reading Comprehension Learning Activities There are various ways to teach the students of spoken language and word recognition. The two areas of the course will have their own learning activities to fully focus on the students’ needs in order to appropriately and properly learn the spoken languages and word recognition. Teaching Strategies and Learning Activities for Spoken Language In the area of spoken language, it is important to be always engaged in conversations in order to practice the communication skills and utilization of the language of the students. One way to make students practice their spoken language is through oral presentation. A good oral presentation involves the acquisition of the attention of your audience and careful planning of the topic to be presented (â€Å"Oral Presentation†, n. d. ). The students must choose a topic that they will present in class; however, the subject should still be within the prerogative of the teacher. Through the process of oral presentation, the students will be able to practice their spoken language and hone their communication skills, particularly, public speaking or speaking in front of an audience. The teacher can also make them present a well-researched topic that will hone their research skills. Another strategy of teaching the students the spoken language is to let them form in pairs or in groups and let them report on a particular topic. Through this process, it will enhance the friendly relationship among the students. It will also practice their spoken language by speaking in front of the class. The teachers, on the other hand, will need to model the forms and functions of spoken and written language, and provide opportunities for oral presentations as aforementioned so that the students can develop their understanding of how the language changes when it is presented in different ways and in different contexts (Cable, 2005). Furthermore, successful learning is highly dependent on the classroom social condition. The teacher must establish a place where students can minimize their inhibitions to interact with each other and to encourage them to perform really well in the classroom. Teaching Strategies and Learning Activities for Word Recognition In the area of word recognition, it is important to always encounter words, so reading is the primary source of new and unfamiliar words to the students. There are strategies that the mentor can employ to improve word recognition to students. In the classroom, the teacher can put a word wall of unfamiliar words encountered by the students. This will help the students to widen their vocabulary, at the same time teaching them of the correct spelling, definition, use and pronunciation of the word (Hong, n. d. ). The teacher can also initiate word games to the students. The words can be taken from the word wall and lie them face down on the floor. After the signal, the students will pick up a word and define it and use it in a sentence. Through this process, they will improve both their word recognition and spoken language. The teacher can also assign a reading material to the students every week to keep them reading in order to hone their reading skills and reading comprehension. Evaluation Techniques After a period of time, it is important to assess the performance and skills of the students to know if they are truly learning and improving. It is important to evaluate the skills of the students in utilizing techniques that will cover the various aspects of the course. One of the evaluation techniques that can be employed in evaluating the students’ learning in the area of spoken language is to make them recite and assess them using an evaluation form with the following criteria; †¢ Fluency †¢ Good pronunciation of words †¢ Accuracy †¢ Confidence speaking in front of an audience The teacher may also add other criterion that seems vital in evaluating the students’ spoken language performance. Every criterion will be rated with the usual grading system as a form of assessment. The evaluation of a student will be highly objective if the teacher will invite a school administrator and other students to also assess the student’s performance. This way, the instructor will have three perspectives in evaluating the student. Evaluating the skills in word recognition is quite easy than that of the spoken language area. The teacher can employ creative quizzes and exercises to assess the students’ skills in word recognition. Word search puzzles can be used, wherein they will look for the words and encircle them within the time limit. The teacher can also employ exercises utilizing the aforementioned learning activities such as the word wall. The teacher may jumble the letters of the word and ask the students to spell the words correctly. The cores on the quizzes and the exercises will reflect their improvement on word recognition. Resources In this course, books are not really important since these are aspects of language that are taught through interpersonal activities. However, pertinent sources of information where the teachers got their instructional materials should be mentioned to the students for them to cope on the lesson. Suggested Readings: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) & Qualifications Curriculum Authority (QCA). (2003). Speaking, Listening, Learning: working with children in Key Stages 1 and 2. Handbook. London : DfES Publications. Cambers, J. Ready, set, read. (2003). Tucson, Arizona: Zephyr Press. References Cable, C. (2005, October 2). Spoken Language. National Association for Language Development in the Curriculum. Retrieved April 2, 2009, from http://www. naldic. org. uk/ITTSEAL2/teaching/SpokenLanguage. cfm. Hong, S. J. (n. d. ). Word Knowledge: Sight Word Recognition. Literacy at School and Home. Retrieved April 2, 2009, from http://mason. gmu. edu/~cwallac7/TAP/TEST/knowledge/2. html. Oral Presentation. (n. d. ). English for Professional Communication. Retrieved April 2, 2009, from http://ec. hku. hk/epc/presentation/. Spoken Language Problems. (2000, April 20). KidSource Online. Retrieved April 2, 2009, from http://www. kidsource. com/LDA/spoken_language. html.

Descriptive Eassy on Visit for Trip

Fear On The Autobahn With definitions of difficult words One often experiences strange incidents in life. Such incidents remain etched in the memory lane. Scary or cheerful, my first trip on the Lyari expressway can never be forgotten. Why not, for it is recorded in detail in my personal diary. Before the arrival of my cousins from USA, I believed myself to be a sort of an extremely brave wunderkind. It all changed after that. Even my grandiloquence did not stop them from frightening me with hair-raising stories. Very soon, I had started to fear every nick and corner for what it may conceal.As a small child, I started believing in out-worldly people and in the fact that my cousins were clairvoyants and could see into the future. Along with these stories, my cousins had burst me with admiration for the autobahn on the Lyari River. I repeatedly tried to persist my over-burdened father into taking me for a ride, till he finally accepted my request. Dressed smartly on that eventful day, I looked for all to see as the luckiest boy in the world. As a final blood curdle, my eldest cousin warned me that something bad could happen to me on the expressway. However, even his warning could not dampen my spirits before the ride.After 5 minutes of light-hearted singing (and unhesitating driving by my father), we finally reached the tollbooth of the autobahn. I could not stop myself from thinking whether the collector was an out-worldly creature or a human. Only when I discovered that his ears weren’t pointed – but were round just like my ears – was I convinced of his being. After the toll had commanded over a little money from my father’s pocket, my father opened the car radio and started driving at a ridiculous speed. He had a wonderful sense of schadenfreude when he learnt from the car radio that a car crash had occurred near the entrance of the expressway.The crash meant that there would be no other cars on the autobahn, so my father could cont inue driving at his ridiculous speed. At this point of the narrative, I will blame my cousins for redirecting my thoughts. Their stories spooked me for a long time, especially on the Lyari autobahn. I believed that every nick and corner would reveal a specially armed kidnapper. Then suddenly I saw the outline of a man running towards us and my blood ran cold. Many people say that reading too many books can be bad for you. I sincerely agreed with them after the incident.At that point of time, I imagined myself to be an African slave of the 1800s being shipped to the States. I prepared myself to be stripped of my lederhosen and to be given a diet of kinkorn. I would be separated from my family and be thrashed by a myriad of people. Harrowingly, I told my father that a convict, who was brandishing a sword, was beckoning us to stop. Seeing my miserable face, my father started laughing uncontrollably, and almost crashed into a wall. After gazing at my surprised face, he told me that the ‘convict’ was actually guard pointing to the speed limit; which my father had been crossing.Chuckling, my father related that the guard had a much more powerful weapon to brandish than a sword; the guard had a gun! After the afore-mentioned incident, I vowed never to spook little children with haunted stories. I advise all readers never to take a trip on an autobahn during the night. Autobahn| expressway| Wunderkind| child prodigy| Grandiloquence| Grand gestures| Clairvoyant| Fortune-teller| Schadenfreude| Pleasure derived from someone’s misfortune| Lederhosen| Leather shorts| Kinkorn| Ancient wheat| Myriad| Large number| Harrowing| Extremely distressed| Definations

Monday, July 29, 2019

Regeneration Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Regeneration Policy - Essay Example Basically the urban spatial planning is provided by the local government and country planning system in order to use it optimum manner (Valler, Wood, & North, 2000). Urban spatial planning is regarded as integration of both the land use and transport planning in order to develop the area economically and socially. Thus spatial planning in urban areas is not a single tool, process and activity and it consists of urban renewal which would already lack in investment with fewer developments (Jessop, 1990). In fact it identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats throughout the particular area and proposes how it can be developed with some distinctive approaches in order to address the desired objective. This report would concentrate on spatial planning in urban areas and would delineate a series of suggestions for the improvement of physical arrangements in existing urban area, thus obviating the need for occupy the strategic resources. The local government's current plan is to efficient use of lands in the urban areas which would goes beyond the traditional system of land use planning and integrate policies and regulations which has been necessitated by sustainable development and sustainable communities. Thus urban spatial planning assumes a very complex dimension against the backdrop of rising uncertainties in the external environment (Jessop, 2002). This report will have a strategic focus on the outcomes related to spatial planning in urban areas perspectives and will outline in good measure the type of accommodation that enhances the land use performance paradigm of the local government, while location, the role of planners and other variables have a very clear impact on the land use planning. A dynamic feature of this aspect of the urban spatial planning is the particular government's ability or inability to add value to existing land capability. Therefore it's the bounden duty of the urban planner to examine and adopt innovative land use techniques to achieve sustainable development including, community welfare and economic and social development (Midttun, 2005). Urban spatial planning can be identified as wider spectrum of activities, processes, tools and decisions which actively impacts on the urban renewal and rehabilitation. Thus it consist set of spatial planning activities along with different actors and agencies which would drive to the sustainable development in the area (Cochrane, 1991). In fact spatial planning in urban areas would not isolate from the public policies as well as it became as an important instrument to identify market failures, minimize the negative externalities and maximizing the positive externalities when providing the public goods and infrastructure facilities to the community.2.1. A regulationist approach in change in regeneration policyA regulationist approach is characterized by a system of rules and regulations that imposes certain constraints on the spatial planning process. For instance the British regulationist approach has many elements from regional planning bodies incorporated into it though the scope and its impact are less known due to the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Astronomy in Japan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Astronomy in Japan - Research Paper Example The ease, by which astronomy was accepted in old Japan was perhaps related to the fact that it complements the Japanese mythology, which is also institutionalized by the government. The Sun goddess Amaterasu has a central role in governance through the royal family, then there are the Moon God, and the stars and how they are interrelated and how their festivities are celebrated to strengthen Japanese traditions and rituals. It appeared that astronomy along with its place in religion gave some form of legitimacy to the myths that forms the anchor of the imperial tradition. From its first introduction in Japan to the present, astronomy have always been important to the Japanese culture. It is easy to understand this because it suits how the Japanese generally see the world. This is demonstrated best in how it is easily integrated in the Shinto traditions. Astronomy is compatible with the Japanese way of life, it reinforced their religion as well as their imperial traditions. Najita reflected this best when he said that human knowledge must rest ultimately on the proposition that the universe is an infinite absolute preceding all human and historical experiences and that what men know, therefore, must be tested with reference to the best-know science of studying the universe, which is astronomy. This is why, although, astronomy is not a Japanese invention, Japan was able to embrace it and a achieve a kind that is uniquely its own.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How Does Tesco Meet The Macro-Environment Challenges Essay

How Does Tesco Meet The Macro-Environment Challenges - Essay Example It now operates in 11 markets outside the UK, in Europe and Asia. Over 100,000 employees work in their international operations, serving over  15 million customers and generating over  £11 billion sales and over  £560 million profit. Over half of group space is now outside the UK. (Tesco International)  Tesco has many branches all throughout the United Kingdom, Europe, China, Japan, and in many parts of the world, and is expanding to other parts of Asia and Hong Kong. It is an international retailer serving over 13 countries. Tesco is making headway in the difficult times and for the development of international business. It has done major acquisitions in the Czech Republic and in Poland where they bought the Leader Price stores and in Malaysia where they bought the Makro stores. (Tesco website) Stiff competition enables Tesco to apply various strategies to stay on top. Tesco is aware that consumers have an easy way of switching between stores, i.e., they choose to shop in a different store from one month to the next. They have a wide range of retailers to choose from including Wall Mart/Asda, Sainsbury, Morrison, Waitrose, M&S, Somerfield, Aldi, Lidl and Netto, other smaller supermarkets, Costco and Makro, the Co-Ops, Symbol groups, and thousands of independent retailers. (Talking Tesco) As regards competition on products, Tesco has 1,866 products cheaper than Asda which has 1,120 products cheaper than Tesco. Sainsbury’s has 451 products cheaper than Tesco which has 4,450 products cheaper than the former. Morrisons has only 417 products cheaper, while Tesco has 3,054 products cheaper than Morrisons. (Sir Terry Leahy interview) Tesco listens to communities – Tesco aims to improve the way they consult local communities before building new stores so that they can be sure that they have understood local issues and concerns. (Tesco website)  Tesco’s share data sometimes showed that there was a sharp increase in the sales of flowers.

Friday, July 26, 2019

EU Official Control of Foodstuffs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

EU Official Control of Foodstuffs - Assignment Example In this regard, the European community has laid down the regulation on the official foodstuff control system Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 on 2004, in order to ensure the objective of food safety and adopt requisite measures. These regulatory guidelines are implemented in order to overcome the drawbacks associated with the previous legislation to ensure the control in food management approaches and design common national control systems for the European zone (2Europa, 2010; EUE-Lex, 2004). Correspondingly, this study intends to address the topic related to official foodstuff controls system with a special focus on Poland. Poland is one of the rapidly growing economies, wherein it is observed that the foodstuff sector play a critical role to maximise the growth of the nation. In accordance, the report will summarise the aspects related to meat inspections abattoirs, food products, border Inspection, food emergencies and the role of government in it. Poland is one of the fastest developing nations of the EU with a population of around 38 million and a GNI of around $ 13,080 per capita. The nation is termed as one of the largest economies, located in Central Europe (The World Bank Group, 2014). The national strategic plan of Poland has been working with the motive to improve the competitive position of food industry by implementing various preventive methods in its food chain. Due alignment has also been focused by the food management authority in the EU with the already enacted regulations in the food market (International Finance Corporation, 2010). The Republic of Poland is an organisational structure incorporated of a central level, which has 16 regions, 379 districts and 2478 municipalities. The central level of the nation is equipped with the overall responsibility and authority to control animal health and their welfare, agricultural food safety and safety measures through the various channels of food supply in these nations. Both the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Economics of Natural Resource Availability Essay

The Economics of Natural Resource Availability - Essay Example Every market strategy should cover the price and output strategy, the reaction of price and output strategy of other competitors in the market. There are large numbers of applications of business in this technological and advanced scenario. There are web and net facilities to all one should have an access to the internet facilities for business helps in advertising the introduction of the products and new designs The computer programming one of the most important things to consider the work based on software’s introducing different software. Small industries at small scales mean the garment factory leather and so on, small educational institutions such as small schools, investments in the small business of departmental stores, whole sellers and retailers. Keynes describes the study of unemployment with the business cycle he gives the study of aggregate demand. In Keynes view, using applying the fiscal policy can reduce the fluctuations in business cycle and monetary policy fiscal policy is the government policy and monetary policy concerned with the policy by a central bank and the government departments too. The Keynesian economics is based on the 20th-century ideas. In the Keynesian view, there are many macroeconomic variables, which have an impact on the individual’s microeconomics functions. In Keynesian economics, the discussion of aggregate demand with the individuals demands the goods. In his view there are many changes bring by the government by implementing the fiscal and monetary policy to take control over the economy and prevent it from downfall. The supply side economics is concerned with the implementation of monetary and fiscal policy it focuses on the monetary policy the study of money demand and its supply monetary policy is only concerned with the changes in the money supply not with the interest rate, the changes in interest rates are managed by the fiscal policy.  Ã‚  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Hypertension and ethical dilemmas Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hypertension and ethical dilemmas - Assignment Example A dietician or a health professional will explain the importance of a healthy lifestyle to Ruth. She will follow a diet plan, exercise regularly, quit smoking, maintain a health weight, and overcome depression to manage hypertension (Bryg, 2009). She will have to avoid eating-out and take-away and indulge more on healthy home-cooked food because this will help in reducing her salt-intake and also help her maintain a health weight which would ultimately result in reduced hypertension. Ruth will need a manual or a digital blood pressure monitor (sphygmomanometer). She can check her blood pressure as instructed by the doctor or a health professional. By checking her blood pressure at home, Ruth will be able to keep a close eye on her hypertension (Bryg, 2009). By teaching Ruth how to monitor her blood pressure at home will allow her to keep a close check on her blood pressure level. She can record the values and plot a graph to check whether the treatment is effective in controlling her hypertension. Bryg, R. J. (2009). Complementary and alternative treatments for high blood pressure. WebMD. Retrieved October 19, 2010, from The first and the foremost ethical dilemma that arose in the scenario was when the personal information of Joe was being discussed among health care providers other than the reason for medical consultation. This is a clear violation of Joe’s right of keeping his personal and health information private and confidential (Thompson, 2003). The situation that Joe is faced by at the moment is that he is a minor due to which he does not possess the right to accept or refuse any treatment; the decision lies with his parent (Bartholome, 1995). His parents being his legal guardians have decided not to take the treatment on a religious ground which has gave rise to another ethical dilemma in which Joe’s

The Ugly American Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Ugly American - Essay Example policymakers, journalists, and officers made leading to the loss of Sarkhan to the Communists knowing that Sarkhan has border difficulty with the Communist country to the north. Lederer and Burdick The Ugly American, set in the mythical southeast Asian nation of Sarkhan, is a critique of U.S. foreign policy. Lederer and Burdick point to the willful ignorance, careerist self-interest, and cultural arrogance that confound American efforts to close down the spread of communism. Their novel, essentially a series of loosely linked vignettes relating to the actions of foreign service officials, is meant as a counteractive to many harsh assessment. Even though liberal and unsparing in their representation of administrative incompetence and bureaucratic inertia, Lederer and Burdick appear oblivious of the use of terror by U.S. agents. They attribute the failure of U.S. policy to the lack of ability to distinguish the competent deception of communists, a refusal to learn native languages and customs, a lack of enthusiasm to leave the comforts of the capital city and its American enclave, a preoccupation with diplomatic social life, and an overriding anxiety with lar ge-scale, capital-intensive projects rather than with less significant innovations more likely to develop the daily lives of the native population. On the other hand, communist success is attributed to the careful training of its diplomats, their enthusiasm to respect native language and customs, and their capability to sarcastically prey upon natives' mistaken resentment. Consequently, the communists are on the threshold of world power and domination. As one Sarkhanese states, "America had its chance and it missed. And now the Communists are going to win" (Neilson p. 24). Or as a fictional U.S. senator declares, "we're facing the final crisis with Russia . . . the next few years will decide whether we're going to win or lose" (p. 242). This paranoia about the imagined abilities of communists is seen in the imaginary timetables by which they are said to plot world domination. The Senator in The Ugly American glimpses the fate of the world being determined in the next few years; Soviet agents in The Ugly American plan "to bring [Burma] within the Communist orbit within 30 months" (p. 35), and, according to Time, Anthony Eden's m ilitary advisors estimated in 1956 that by 1961 the communists would be ready to endeavor violent global conquest. Despite the fact that their basic thesis is that the United States needs more competent foreign service officers, Lederer and Burdick also give specific examples of policies and programs the United States might adopt that might make a difference in the struggle against communist hegemony: providing Asians with powdered milk to accustom them to fresh milk, which is alien to their diets, so they can begin raising dairy cows; broadcasting surreptitiously taped conversations of Russian field operatives telling their local agents not to "talk about 'socialist ownership of lands' " because that "only scares the peasants. Peasants are backward types" (Neilson p. 63); constructing simple water pumps run by bicycles, without exporting technology or giving aid money, since "Whenever you give a man something for nothing the first person he comes to dislike is you" (p. 216); or teaching Asians to construct and use long-handled brooms (rather than the traditional

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11

Speech - Essay Example The avialability of a male figure in the family is important for the complete development of the children. In a family, the father offers a sense of security to both the children and a mother (Rosenberg & Wilcox, 2006). He assumes the responsibility of assuring everyone in the family that no matter what everything will be okay. According to a report by Children’s Bureau, emphasize fathers provide a sense of physical and economic security that helps in healthy development of the children. He gives a sense of peace to the mother who knows she has someone she can rely on to love and protect her (Vacca, 2013). According to research, families without fathers are likely to suffer economically compared to families with fathers. It implies fathers are important for the economic status of families. In addition, fathers are key factors in the cognitive development of their children. I am certain that those who had a chance to be taught how to read, write or ride a bike by their dads still remember those moments with nostalgia (Strauss, 2014). The presence of a caring father will always be a source of immense of happiness and peace of mind for the whole family. In conclusion, fathers are critical to family stability and healthy development of children. Fathers offer the basic sense of security to the mother and children. They are the male figures for developing children. The presence of fathers at the home is a necessity that we cannot afford to overlook. Vacca, J. J. (2013). The Parenting Process from the Fathers Perspective: Analysis of Perceptions of Fathers about Raising Their Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Best Practice in Mental Health, 9(2),

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Influences of Music Essay Example for Free

The Influences of Music Essay According to social statistics (n.d.), 52.17 percent of people listen to music every day and 26.63 percent of people listen to music almost every day. It implies that music plays a vital role in society. Due to human’s creations, such as televisions and radios, which make music be heard more easily. Unsurprisingly, it becomes a huge part of people’s lives. It has a connotation in itself. Therefore, this essay will illustrate that music can influence people in various ways: feelings, thoughts and behaviors. Feelings can be affected by music. For me, rock songs, such as Know Your Enemy by Green day, makes me feel uncomfortable and upset due to its heavy, loud, and fast beat. Besides, according to North, Tarrant, and Hargreaves(2004), listeners who listen to a nonviolent rock song will have lower levels of opposed feelings than listeners who listen to a rock song with aggressive lyrics. Conversely, when I am upset or angry, a pop music, like Live High by Jason Mraz, can change my mood completely. Its smooth voice and soft tone fit perfectly together. And it has such a huge impact on me; it gives me a chill feeling which can help me feel better and get rid of such things. Furthermore, the lyrics of some song can make me smile unexpectedly, such as Happy by Mocca. The song says â€Å"Dont You Give up, Keep Your Chin up, And Be Happy†. It expresses that no matter what happens, just stay strong and be happy. It is such a lovely phrase that can instantly turn my whole world upside down. Music has an impact on thoughts. Muchet (2010) said that a study of 121 Midwestern high school students’ music preference pointed out that 75 percent of girls who like listening to heavy metal music have thought about suicide compared with 35 percent of girls who like listening to other kinds of music. Plus, almost 50 percent of boys who favor heavy metal have considered suicide compared to others who like listening to non-metal music. On the other hands, music can have a positive benefit on thoughts. Some song has meaningful lyrics that can motivate people. For example, the lyrics from Lose Yourself by Eminem: â€Å"You better lose yourself in the music, the moment You own it, you better never let it go You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a lifetime† It tries to convince people that you had better not let any opportunity slips away by not trying to grab it. This song can truly motivate me and change my thought. I used to think that there are abundant opportunities out there, and I can catch it whenever I want. Then, this song totally changed my thought. Music influences behavior. According to Palmer(2003), researchers from Iowa State University and the Texas Department of Human Services found that aggressive behavior is perpetuated from offensive music lyrics and have long-term effects. Sallinger(2005) stated that Richard Paul White, Colorados serial killer, said his action was inspired by the song Ride the lightning by Metallica. In the following lyrics: Guilty as charged But damn it, it aint right There is someone else controlling me Death in the air Strapped in the electric chair This cant be happening to me Who made you God to say Ill take your life from you! This phrase influenced him to commit the crime. Beside, in case of drug addiction, Not an addict by K’s Choice is a good example due to its lyrical content. It says â€Å"Its not a habit, its cool, I feel alive. If you dont have it, youre on the other side. Im not an addict (maybe thats a lie)†. It indicates that using drug is cool and you might be sort of weird if you do not use it. In fact, using drug does not even come close to the word â€Å"cool†. Therefore, it this lyrics might affect people in a poor way that they have to behave like this in order to be cool. To conclude, music has a massive effect on people’s lives. People listen to it almost every day and that gives music a power to be able to influence our lives. People’s moods, thoughts, and behaviors can be affected by the lyrical and tonal content of the song they listen to. It has both advantage and disadvantage, so it depends on which side they choose to perceive.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Saying Actions Speak Louder Than Words English Language Essay

The Saying Actions Speak Louder Than Words English Language Essay Multicultural education programme is aimed to develop the knowledge about diverse cultures, therefore the author of this Bachelor thesis focuses her attention on this subject. Non-verbal communication should be understood not only with the language of hand or facial expressions but also when a person speaks: eye contact, smile, pauses in speech and the distance between interlocutors as well as other factors are important. Sen argues that in the context of multicultural communication, it becomes imperative that we train ourselves in decoding the non-verbal signs in a communication progress (2004: 163). Clayton suggests that non-verbal communication should be discussed in three areas, related to the individual, to language, and to the context (2003: 115). Non-verbal communication related to an individual involves eye contact, touching, posture, gestures and facial expressions (ibid.: 115-118). Non-verbal communication related to language includes vocal qualities, intonation, and the use of silence (ibid.: 119). The last one, non-verbal communication related to the context is discussed by olfaction, clothing, sonal appearance, artifacts as well as feeling about space and attitudes toward time (ibid.: 120-123). Some people believe that words are most important in speech because sometimes they do not notice how important non-verbal communication could be and that it can say more about someone than words. The person can lie when he is speaking but his behavior as for instance, embarrassment, always tells the truth. The principles of non-verbal communication between representatives of different cultures can help to overcome the incomprehension even without the knowledge of language. Discussing eye contact one should notice that it is the tool for contact establishment. In business field the direct eye contact means a sense of confidence. Nevertheless, the author of the research believes that Russians do not prefer to fix eye contact for a long time. In American culture vice versa it is the way how people usually behave. According to Clayton, direct eye-contact implies truth and honesty in the dominant Anglo-American culture (ibid.: 115). Another significant aspect of non-verbal communication is gestures. Feyereisen and de Lannoy quote Kendon (1986) and McNeill (1985), [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] gestures and words both relate to the mental representations that constitute thinking (Feyereisen and de Lannoy, 1991: 2). Individuals of diverse cultures can interpret some universal gestures differently. When one thinks about the word yes or no it means nodding and shaking the head. (Clayton, 2003: 117) Still in some countries, for instance in India or Bulgaria, the gesture no means the agreement (ibid.: 117). From these examples of gestures use it can be seen how differently communities can interpret the meaning. Further, within a multicultural environment, every culture forms a single notion of established manners, greetings, gestures and handshakes use. It is very often considered that a certain nation can use gestures more frequently than others. The author of the present research provides an example from the respondents answers (see Appendix 2; question nr. 11), one Latvian student wrote, usually Russian people within talking use many gestures. This type of behavior can confuse diverse cultures representatives where the active use of gestures is not welcome. Latvians, for instance, do not prefer to use a lot of gestures in their oral discourse, especially with strangers. A direct eye contact and outwardly restrained behavior are the most characteristic features for them. They also do not prefer to smile quickly greeting other persons. It is important to analyze how representatives of different cultures behave being in one group. Some foreigners, for instance, Americans or Italians being in Latvia could be confused with the type of unfriendly behavior of native people. Americans and Italians always smile greeting others but this could be atypical for the natives of other countries. The author knows from her own experience that Russians in Latvia differ from Russians in Russia especially by use of gestures. This signals that being in one group or living together in one country [Russians in Latvia] affects all those natives not only adopting the choice of words or sentence patterns from the Latvian culture, but also behavior, gestures and attitudes. To sum up, Russians in Latvia are more composed in behavior than Russians in Russia. It is typical for them in Russia to use a lot of gestures that are accompanied sometimes by a loud voice and very fast talking. Russians in Latvia were being socialized to the typical cultural behavior of Latvians. The process of adaptation of some features of non-verbal communication is developed since representatives of cultures always cooperate and affect each other being in one group. Feyereisen and de Lannoy quote Halliday (1973) and Levinson (1983) pragmatics also draws attention to the social conditions in which gestures occur (Feyereisen and de Lannoy, 1991: 24). The context of the verbal emission, gestures included, must be taken into account to understand the meaning of utterance (ibid.). Thus, every gesture occurs in appropriate context and conditions. As an example, Asians always smile when they are embarrassed. They usually demonstrate a neutral expression when angry, that makes impossible to understand their emotional condition. American people always keep smiling in order to show that everything is going well. The awareness of cultural differences in non-verbal communication leads to understanding the behavior of other people. Nevertheless, it is sometimes difficult to find a way how it is better to act. The above-mentioned suggestions are considered to be very important and everyone should understand that if someone behaves differently and sometimes incomprehensibly this can mean that he/she is coming from another culture. Clayton arguing about students nonverbal communication differences in the classroom, asserts that [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] the loudness of a students response may be a sign of sincerity; the belligerent-sounding comment may be awkward intonation; [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] the quest for more personal interaction may indicate an unconscious need for closer contact with authority; the wince under our affectionate pat on the back may mean discomfort with physical touch; [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] an inappropriate smile may mask shame, embarrassment, or fear [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] (2003: 128). Finally, everyone should be more attentive to others in order to communicate successfully; especially it is important during the process of education. Clayton adds that teachers cannot know all nonverbal languages of other cultures but she assumes that what we can do is [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] to lay aside our own cultural blinders, be sensitive to a variety of responses, be open to and affirming of different interpretations, and hopefully learn from our students [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] (ibid.). To conclude the author of the research would like to emphasize that: the awareness of cross-cultural differences leads to acceptance over cultures; the individual becomes more open-minded; the ability to interpret cross-cultural differences and use this knowledge in practice helps to act in a positive way;

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Relationship Between Media and Ethnic Minorities

Relationship Between Media and Ethnic Minorities INTRODUCTION At present, the relationship between the media and ethnic minorities has become a key issue, and a great number of professors have done lots of relatively research on this topic (Entman and Rojecki, 2000). Moreover, media has been argued that they provide an overall negative portrayal of racial minority group. Therefore, this report aims to critically analyze this argument. This study begins with illustrate the theory of ethnic minorities, especially the racial minority group. Then, the media portrayals of the racial were analyzed, which focused on analyzing the Black people and Islam groups news categories on the basis of research evidences. Finally, this report also points that the journalists who working as the media makers also provide the negative representations of the racial minority group. THE CONCEPT OF ENTHNIC MINORITIES Every country or large society contains ethnic minorities. They have their own lifestyle, language, culture and religions, which are distinct from the other communities (Adeno, 2002). Moreover, the social status of the ethnic minority is not only relating to the numerical but also linking to the political power (Cottle, 2000). Specifically, the ethnic minorities have the following features: They have smaller population than the rest of the population of the state They positioned as a non-dominant group in the state They have their own religion, language, culture etc that are different from the national people Their members have a will to continue to have their specificity Their members are not only the citizen of the state, but also belong to the minority (Greenberg and Brand, 1994). Apparently, they are not having a dominant position, and self-determination is the key issue for them (Cottle, 2000). That means ethnic minorities are a small group of people that have their specific personal behaviours in the state. RACIAL MINORITY GROUP At present, there is no conclusion or consensus about how to define, understand and analyse race (Audrey and Brian, 2005). On the basis of the historical research, race was marked by their physical or phonotypical appearance that was distinct from the social groups (Levi-Strauss, 1996).Furthermore, Malik (2001) thinks race is a physical form that has some common genetic characteristics of the population. That means racial people are different from the national people in skin colours, beliefs and rituals, language they speak and so on. They are a small group existing in the state and different from the other national people. MEDIA PORTRAYALS OF RACIAL MINORITY GROUP The media plays a significant role in providing the representation of the racial minority group to the public (Law, 2002). This part mainly focuses on analysing the portrayals of racial minority that are provided by the media. BLACK AS A PROBLEM AND A THREAT Historically, the US news coverage of blacks has charactericticsed as the people were lazier, less intelligent, less moral and more prone to crime than Whites (Stokes and Reading, 1999, p191). Moreover, as the first West Indian immigrants arrived at Empire Windrush in 1948 and the number of Black people resident in Britain has increased to more than one million. The word immigrant has been a synonym for Black although there has a large number of white immigrations at the same period. Therefore, most people would think about the rise of the Black people when they see the headline of IMMIGRANT BIRTHS UP (Bashi, 2004). Moreover, most white people regard dark pigmentation associate with dirt, poverty, low social status, low intelligence, animal sexuality, primitiveness, violence and a general inferiority, due to this the white people also connect immigrants with undesirable behaviours together such as mugging, gangsters, rioters etc (Hartmann and Husband, 1974, p202). Furthermore, a larg e number of Britains mainstream medias portrayal racial minority group in a negative way in the headline: Daily Express: MORE ASAINS ON THE WAY TO JOIN 4-STAR MIGRANTS Daily Mail: WE WANT MORE MONEY SAY 600-A-WEEK MIGRANTS Daily Telegraph: MIGRANTS HERE JUST FOR THE WELFARE HANDOUTS Sun: ASAINS OFF TO THE WORKHOUSE The Times: HOMELESS ASAINS LIKELY TO BE MOVED TO WORKHOUSE BY END OF WEEK COUNCIL SAYS (Gurevitch et al, 1982). Obviously, all of these reports indicate that the word immigrant represents the racial people, and each of the newspaper has used negative words in the headline to describe the news about racial immigrants. As a consequence of this, the readers have built racial stereotype of immigrant reports, which means they form a negative sense of immigrants equal to Coloured people, and they will think Black or other coloured people when they see the word immigration (Campbell, 1971). This readers negative impression about racial people is due to the large number of negative media coverages. In addition, a survey relates to the reporting of members of immigration shows that 61% of the content was negative (Fowler, 1991). All of these inform that the media exactly provide negative portrayal of racial. Furthermore, Sivanandan (2001) manifested that the media has demonised the Blacks. Because of these negative portrayals of the racial minority group, the audiences will appear racial people when th ey see the word immigration in the newspaper or on the television. Dennis and Pease (2000, p21) also mentioned that the news related to immigrants are always bad, for example, a newspaper from New York describe the headline in this wayIn December 1993, a Jamaican immigrant killed six commuters and wounded 17 others in a rush-hour massacre. That indicates clearly the media connect the racial minority with the negative words massacre in the headline rather than only describe the event. So, the media has provided a negative representation of the racial minority group. BLACK CRIMINALS REPORTINGS According to a media research by the US social scientists, the core reports of Black people in the television and film is usually connect with violence, crime, disease and some other negative words (Anwar and Shang, 1992). For example, a movie named Menace to Society that made by a Black man, which was full of disservice and negative portrayal of Black men. Additionally, another film Colours describe Black men as animals and they engage in violent without emotion (Barry, 1993). Furthermore, the programmer of Cold Case portrayals Black offenders as evil when they have committed a murder, while white offenders were represented as clever even intelligent criminals (Hall, 2008). In terms of television and film, Black men are always portrayaled in a totally negative way, and this has made the audience have a racial stereotype. In addition, compared with the white offenders, black people were always described as stupid offenders in the television or film. In the US, how the media represent the race minority group has become a key issue. For example, the journalists not only provide the news stories about black individuals, they also choose examples that will describe the category of black Americans and be compared to whites images of themselves (Braham, 2007). So, this makes the readers have a negative racial stereotype of race minority group. Moreover, on the basis of two data sets (ABC, CBS, and NBC nightly news programmes taped during January, February, and March, 1990, and a set of full verbatim transcripts of the ABC nightly news for an entire year), the researchers found that the media has represented black as the source of trouble and the data was shown in table 3.2.1: This table illustrates clearly about the news coverage of blacks. The most frequent news coverage about black was crime in the local news press, and the third most common topic related to black was victims, which indicates black has a non-dominant status in the state. Moreover, the news coverage relate to crime and victim account for 46.4%, which take nearly half of the reporting portrayal blacks as the threats to American society. Further, according to the data analysis result, almost 60% of news stories focus on negative representing about black events, and also the politics reporting provide non-positive messages for the blacks (Karnig, 2007). In terms of crime news, there is a significant different between media portrayals on blacks and whites, 77% of news stories about black are concerned with violent or drug crime, while 42% about white crimes (Riggins, 1992). This difference indicates the media portrayal the overwhelming majority of black news stories relate to violent, drug crime or other negative words. Moreover, the local news study found that the blacks are twice more than whites shown in the physical grasp of a police officer (Mirrless, 2006). As a result of this, image of blacks are more threatening than the white because the media reporting. ISLAM AS TERRORISTS According to research by Richardson (2004), the data shows that the negative words always appear in the Islam news, which account for nearly 97%. In the USA, the media represent an overall negative image of Islam after 9-11 events. Times magazine analyses 140 reports (2003 May 5 to November 24) about the Islamic world after the end of the war in Iraq, and describes as a violent terror, ignorance and backwardness of the Islamic world, even portrayal as the birthplace of a devil for Americans (Gerges, 2004). For todays US and European public, Islam is particular unpleasant news. Moreover, both the media and government portrayal the Islam is a threat to Western civilization (Poole, 2002). In addition, Times provides several major themes in the Islam reporting: the first major theme is abouthe terrorist organizations, terrorists, terrorist attacks and counter-terrorism operations, which accounting for 36.4; second major theme post-war situation in Iraq that accounting for 22.9; third theme accounting for 11.4% that relates to the tyranny of Saddam Husseins sons, atrocities, and the traces of his son and property; and followed by Islamic countries and terrorist organizations (7.9%) and authoritarian backwardness of Islamic countries, as well as the peoples tragic life and resistance (5%) (Gerges, 2004). These results indicate that the media nearly provide a whole news stories that make Islam and terrorism together. Furthermore, Times reports for the Islamic world is always associated with terrorism and tyranny, and the media attempt to summarize the Islamic civilization with ignorance and warlike character. Meanwhile, there is no reporting about the daily life of civili ans in the Islamic world (Kandiyoti, 2006). After the 9-11 events in 2001, the whole media institutions in the USA describe Islam in a terrorism image, and almost all the citizen fear of the Islam (Poole, 2002). All these reporting indicate that the media only focus on providing a negative image of Islam to the audiences, which always make Islam connect with terrorism in the news reporting. DOMESTIC REPORTINGS OF THE RIOTS Due to the two bombs was exploded in the UK in 1999; the domestic reporting of the riots has increased in the UK (Lewis, 2000). Generally, the domestic reporting such as the Times, the Guardians, Independent and Sun have interpreted black people associated with conflict, controversy and deviance (Richardson, 2004). Moreover, Hartmann and Husband (1974) found that there always appeared race combined with conflict or violent words in the headlines of press news in those four newspapers. Further, these newspapers have the similarity news coverage, which are immigration, relations between black and white, legialation to control immigration (Braham, 2007). In addition, according to the Leicester Universitys Mass Communication research, the citizens pay more attention to consider the threat of the coloured people to them rather than the housing, education and employment about the coloured people. All of these research evidences have confirmed the media reports in the local concentration of ethnic groups described in negative news, and 97% of the news coverage of race links to crisis, violence and other prejudicial words. Even the news end with that the coloured immigrants has given us a threat (Anwar, 2004). This has proved that the media provide a negative image of racial minority group. In terms of crime news reporting, the media always show more mug shot of the Black offender rather than the white perpetrators (Entman and Rojecki, 2000).In that case, the continuously negative reporting of Black men will lead the audience have a negative racial stereotype, which associate murder, abduct, rape and other negative word with Black men automatically (Bryant and Oliver, 2009). In terms of the reports of domestic violence, Troyna (1987) shows that the media focus on reporting the result rather than the reason when the news covered of violence between racist offenders and white victims. Therefore, the negative representation of racial disturbance was made by the media, and the news framework was based on the black presence and the news coverage was full of conflict and tension. In addition, a research about journalists found that they used to make prejudicial stereotypes to portrayal Britains minority communities. (Cottle, 2000; Gabriel, 1994; Harmann and Husband, 1974; van Dijk, 1989) In that case, journalists stereotypical representation about race minority communities will appear in the press, which lead more and more negative portrayal about racial. JOURNALISTS PORTRAYALS OF RACIAL MINORITY GROUP In the United States, due to historical reasons, whites have a relatively higher status rather than other ethnic groups such as the African-American, Asian Americans, and Hispanics etc; therefore the US media are more likely to evaluate other minorities from this white-dominated mainstream culture perspective (Cottle, 1992). In terms of the media, especially the mainstream media, white accounted for the vast majority of journalists for a long time; the proportion of white journalists and commentators is overwhelming advantages in the news and current affairs programs, and it is difficult to see Asia and other minority journalists or reporters during the news or programmes (Fife, 2007). Hence, this imbalance in the distribution of personnel also contributed to the media ethnocentrism. More accurately speaking, that is a white-dominated media culture and perspective (Entman, 1990). Moreover, the worse is that those who live in the United States-led class advantaged groups are difficult to realize the existence of ethnocentrism and impact, and if this trend continues, the spread of sensitivity (sensitivity) would be weakened of other ethnic or vulnerable groups; and also they would be cold or weak outlook for other groups to see the damage. They even thought it was the freedom of the press, information, entertainment, or objective comments about the reportings of very serious racial discrimination or personal prejudice (Sonenshein, 1993).For example, the famous CBS radio show host Don Imus has dismissed because he calling a black female athlete hair volume prostitute in the program for black college women basketball in 2007.In the last century 90s, another well-known program host Bob Grant was forced to resign because he commentate a black mayor as a toilet cleaners (David, 2007). However, these commentators do not think that their remarks would cause great harm to the black community, because they are in mainstream classes (Kanellos, 1994). Hence, this unbalance distribution of the journalists and the inherent racial superiority of white press journalists, will inevitably lead to negative news coverage of the race. CONCLUSION To sum up, according to the above analysis of the researches, it is clearly to see that media really provide negative portrayals of racial minority group. Whether the newspapers, television or website, there always appear the black or Islam news event associated with violent, drug crime, terrorism and other negative words, this inform that the media has represented the black or Islam as a negative image to the audience, even make the audience have a race stereotype, which means the audiences will connect the black or Islam people with the negative words such as immigrations, threat to us, terrible and violent etc automatically. Hence, the media really provide a negative portrayal of racial minority group and even influence the sudiences image of race people. REFERENCE Adeno, A. 2002. Individualism, Communitarianism, and the Rights of Ethnic Minorities. 2nd London: Sage press. Anwar, M and Shang, A. 1992. 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Hamlet-identity Crisis Essay -- essays research papers

Shakespeare’s Hamlet is arguably one of the best plays known to English literature. It presents the protagonist, Hamlet, and his increasingly complex path through self discovery. His character is of an abnormally complex nature, the likes of which not often found in plays, and many different theses have been put forward about Hamlet's dynamic disposition. One such thesis is that Hamlet is a young man with an identity crisis living in a world of conflicting values. An identity crisis can be defined as 'a psychosocial state or condition of disorientation and role confusion occurring especially in adolescents as a result of conflicting internal and external experiences, pressures, and expectations and often producing acute anxiety.' ( It was apparent that Hamlet did indeed have an identity crisis because of his conflicting internal and external experiences and the pressures and expectations from those in the Royal Court of Denmark. He endures conflicting internal and external experiences such as the ghost of his father requesting him to exact revenge on Claudius and in doing so contradict all of the morals he has formed. Pressures to accept the dubious marriage of his mother to his uncle, pressure to accept Claudius as the new king and expectations from the court to be emotionally strong in spite of his father's demise and from the ghost of his father to avenge his death by killing Claudius all challenge Hamlet's strength of se lf. His anxiety is caused as a result of these external pressures. Hamlet lives in a country of different worlds. At the time, Denmark was in a state of transition between three metaphysical worlds; the heroic world, where a man's honour was foremost, killing was not accepted but expected, might was power, the Machiavellian world, an amoral world where politics and mind games were employed ruthlessly, the ends justified the means, and the Christian world of love and forgiveness. Hamlet was a Christian living in a dying Heroic world which was succumbing to the Machiavellian world. Hamlet's father, King Hamlet, belonged to the heroic world, and so for him revenge was of the utmost importance, shown by the fact that "but two months" (1:2, 136) after his death he returned to instruct Hamlet to avenge his murder. Hamlet's disgust at his mother's marriage to his uncle before "the salt of most unrighteous tea... madness to sanity are reminiscent of a bi-polar disorder such as manic depression. It is possible that Hamlet put on his antic disposition to allow himself freedom from the usual constraints and etiquette of the court so that he could use different means to discover Claudius' guilt without being discovered himself. Or his feigned madness may have been a reaction to the stress of his predicament, because in doing so he frees himself from having to make decisions on courses of action and he effectively becomes a spectator in the running of his own life. Hamlet is a man with an identity crisis because of the conflicting emotions he is feeling and expectations being thrust upon him. His eventual plunge into a state of insanity was a direct consequence of stress. The stress between worlds destroyed his moral base, the actions of his mother and his consequential treatment of Ophelia left him with no 'north point' to follow and his constant changing of moods either caused his crisis or were as a result of losing his way. Hamlet to this day remains a complex character in the centre of perhaps the finest play in the history of the English language.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Healing Power of Poetry Essay -- Writing Essays

"The Healing Power of Poetry" The devastations and repercussions of war are inimitable, and can sometimes be left unhealed. However, men and women have had to find cures to lick their wounds and resettle the turbulence existing within their minds. In Pat Barker's emotionally powerful war novel Regeneration, we are introduced to a war journal, called the Hydra, on page 84, which served as healing tool for WWI soldiers. This journal contained articles, cartoons, poetry, letters, and all kinds of other different types of writing. Barker uses the Hydra in her novel to mark the healing power of writing in the lives of these men. Poetry therapy has a long history, being recognized as far back as the first songs chanted around the camp-fires of primitive people. To these people, the chant is what heals the heart and soul. In the English language, the word "therapy" comes from the Greek word "therapeia," which means to nurse or cure through expressive arts such as dance, song, poem and drama. The Greeks have also informed us that Asclepius, the god of healing, was the son of Apollo, the god of poetry, medicine and the historical arts (Longo). In addition, mythological beliefs say that Oceanus told Promethus that "words are the physician of the mind diseased." The use of poetry therapy has therefore been discovered by numerous cultures since the beginning of language (Longo). Once recognized for its healing power, this therapy quickly moved to the North American continent. Within the American colonies, the first American hospital to care for the mentally ill was founded in 1751 by Benjamin Franklin, called the Pennsylvania Hospital. This hospital is known to have included reading, writing, and then also the actual publishing of... ...f writing to these men. Not only does it convey the effects of writing, it may also project the idea that reading poetry may also be just as therapeutic. Poetry therapy is not a theme that people would generally relate to the cure of barbaric men at war, which is indeed what makes this novel so brilliant. Soldiers too have a sensitive side, and Barker has proven to acknowledge and praise it. Works Cited Barker, Pat. Regeneration. New York: Plume, 1993. Lee, Stuart. "The Hydra." HTML JTAP Virtual Seminars Project. April 1998. 8 April 2004. <> Longo, Perie J. "Poetry as Therapy." Sanctuary House of Santa Barbara, Inc., 1996-2003. 13 April 2004. <> Rusche, Harry. "Lost Poets of the Great War." Emory University, 1997. 3 May 2004. <>

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Challenges in life brings out the best in a person Essay

Challenges in life are obstacles that one has to surmount, to overcome in order to progress and to do so usually requires a display of admirable qualities such as courage and perseverance. Does challenges in life always bring out the best or the worst in a person? This is debatable as challenges can either make or break a person. Some people may not be able to hold out in a ‘test’ but succumb to the pressure. Tough times can reveal the true colours of a character, either for better or for worse, as in my personal experiences. I remember when I was younger and when faced with adversity, I would either hide or run away from it, rather than take it on. One vivid instance of this was at my first camp with my uniformed group, the National Cadet Corps. it was the first time I was faced with a daunting experience. Every time my instructors barked out an order or reprimanded us, and these ‘lecture’ sessions seemed unending, I would cower at the back of my group, too shaken to do anything else. I was at a loss because the task of survival and completing the camp seemed so challenging that rather than bring out the best in me, actually did the contrary. Every of the team challenge activity was the same – I was the ‘burden’ of my team, the ‘weak link’, who was always too frightened to do anything, always too timid to speak up and above all always too much of a coward to help my peers. If I could just run to save my skin and leave them to ‘die’ on enemy territory, I would. Hence, that is why adversity and challenges can sometime bring out the worst in a person, like they did to me, in this instance. Read more:  Challenge in Life Essay However, what doesn’t kill you make you stronger, and as I grew older, the more I found this to be true. One experience that I rose to the challenge  was during an expedition to the jungles of Brunei during my early Secondary Three days. This expedition was like nothing I had ever been through before. This was not a guided tour on an air-conditioned bus but rather it was a gruelling 48 kilometres trek through the dense, humid jungle. This is where I think challenges bring out the best in people as midway through the course one of our group members collapsed from heat exhaustion. I couldn’t blame him then as I felt like I was ready to drop, too, with the heat of the sun beating down on us relentlessly. The ‘water-parade’ exercise that we had carried out earlier seemed to have dissipated into thin air as my tongue was parched and hanging out a mile long. I knew the rest of the troupers felt the same way. But even under the scorching heat and the thick, humid air, each one of us pitched in and helped to carry our fallen comrades for the remainder of the trek. This I felt brought out exemplary traits in the team. It was due to the challenge placed upon us that we demonstrated resilience, perseverance and empathy for our fellowmen. Anyone of these traits would make a person better. Hence, that is why I think challenges do bring out the best in a person as we would not have expressed these traits if we were not place in tough spots. In closing, whether challenges bring out the best or the worst in a person depends on whether the person succumbs to the test of is able to step up to the challenge. Different people react differently when placed in difficult situations. Some may shine in the darkness which brings out the beauty in them; some may get snuffed out by the darkness and express their worst form. From personal experiences, I have the honour of ‘achieving’ both, hence, I feel that the statement, ‘challenges in life bring out the best in a person’ is true if they bring out positive traits in that person, but if all the wrong reasons emerge, then it is only partially true.

Behavior therapy and ADHD

assist deficit hyper legal action disorder is perplexity-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder which is a biopsycho cordial disorder or neurobehavioural problem characterized by numerous problems including hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity. These problems pose a lot of difficulties in learning at school, home, at work and in kins. close to 3%-5% of nestlingren atomic number 18 bear upon by this problem out of which 30%-70% proceed to level symptoms tied(p) to adulthood (Curtis, 2008).The symptoms associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder argon of three attendfaces. One is having attention deficiencies in that the unnatural person is disconcert very good and also exhibits difficulties managementsing on a habituated task.Secondly, the unhurried is pr ace to doing things before thinking just about the consequences or the impacts they would open on themselves and the peck around them. For authority, becoming too provoked than the situation c a ltogethers for, laughing or lecture too loud, teens and adults whitethorn hurriedly influence decisions that would impact the rest of their lives ostracisely homogeneous spending money recklessly. The third type of symptom is hyperactivity in which affected nestlingren whitethorn fid cop, run around at contradictory cartridge holders or squirm spell adults and teens ar restless and argon un strong to enjoy their quiet terms or studying (Curtis, 2008). minimal brain dysfunction moves muckle be attri furthered to biological, social, experiential and strong genetic factors. The recitation of music for treating this condition is not without respectable locating put one over. By adopting demeanoural costes, the myriad of challenges pin down about by the affected children much(prenominal) as school failure, school drop out, styleal disorders, drop-off, relationship and vocational problems crowd out be significantly reduced and at long last cross rather of relying on medicinal drugs which alone attention deficit hyperactivity disorder more(prenominal) problems by ca utilise serious side effects and whose long barrier outcome poses a threat to the sprightliness of the patient.More everywhere, whether a child is affected by hyperkinetic syndrome or not, such(prenominal) problems associated with minimal brain dysfunction may still be intelligible in psychologically wellnessy children. This report pull up stakes discuss how lack of adequately monitoring and controlling demeanoural patterns at too soon childhood has resulted in umpteen erects branding their children attention deficit hyperactivity disorder affected. It will show how expressional strategies can be employ extensively to deal with appearanceal problems which may be mistakenly associated ADHD. kind of of reserve medical particular(prenominal)tys which ca apply more harm to the children to whom they be prescribed, the wallpaper will justify by give of accredited and practical physical exercises of contrary approaches which if healthy applied would eliminate the harms of relying on euphony. 2. 0 Why medical specialty is not a remedy for treating ADHD Though in that location be several documented benefits associated with development stimulant medication for treating ADHD, it has not offered a complete remedy due to a number of agreements.It is first of all expense noting that the side effects casefuld by this medication impedes its administration on a lengthy basis and secondly no real benefits be accrued from medication for up to 20% of children claimed to be affected by ADHD (Rabiner, 2009). Another thing is that ADHD has primary symptoms in addition to other associated problems which cannot be alleviated by medication and therefore the need for employing other centre. In addition, around children and some(prenominal) teenagers ar strongly opposed to taking medicine which creates more problems when they a re forced to take the medication.Moreover, concern of children look can be efficaciously do even without the use of medication especially when the symptoms are relatively mild. This can be done done strategies such as overbearing reinforcement and penalisation. 2. 1 Side effects of stimulant medications A stimulant is the commonly use type of medication whose action produces a console effect on the patient. opposite medications are non-stimulants and their mode of action differs from that of the stimulants. in that respect are several side effects caused by the use of stimulants in treating ADHD.The common ones are sleep problems, decreased appetite, irritability, and anxiety in addition to few cases of headaches and stomachaches. There are also other side effects which are less common including some children developing sudden sounds or exigent movements known as tics and change in personality in which some children count to be without emotions (nimh. nih. gov, 2009). The US Food and do drugs Administration have also warned against realistic side effects which though antiquated may cause fatal consequences. It has pointed that the use of ADHD medication may cause psychiatric or possible cardiovascular problems.The medication-related psychiatric problems include becoming leery without any reason, hallucinations, hearing voices and becoming wild even among patients with no history of psychiatric complications. In addition, atomoxetine as one of ADHD medication has been found to cause change magnitude suicidal thoughts in teenagers and children who take the medication than those who do not take it (nimh. nih. gov, 2009). Other non-medical sermon measures are therefore no doubt necessary to combat ADHD in a more safe, effective and easy centering. 3. 0 Behavioral treatment for ADHDThis is also referred to as bearing oversight or deportment therapy whose basis of physical process is pegged to the simple discernment of why children would fata lity to stick out or act in a socially acceptable sort. There are three reasons for this one organism that children are inclined towards pleasing their conjure ups by doing the right things and through this they feel closely behaved about themselves when the set ups commend and applaud their lordly fashion. This is because children are strongly motivated when the relationship with their parents is supportive.Another reason is that children want to behave well so as to benefit from the positive consequences that rewards and privileges associated with good behavior. The last basic reason is that children would want to avoid the repercussions of acting unsuitably such as creation punished. Therefore, behavior therapy endeavors in enhancing the inclination to embrace praiseworthily behavior by all children whether affected with ADHD or not in order to ravish their parents and also to get positive consequences by behaving correctly.At the same time, in book behavior is supp ressed and highly disheartened by creating an environment which guarantees negative consequences later on displaying un preferable behavior (Rabiner, 2009). Lack of insureing of this important concept has resulted in galore(postnominal) parents qualification incorrect decisions such as taking their children to psychiatrists who may prescribe medicine for ADHD only to cause health problems to the children who are abruptly normal.through and through the efforts of parents and their children, the tools of this approach can be effectively applied to do away with such predicaments and unwarranted over reliance on medicine since the practicability of the method carries no doubt. There are different tools that are essential for positive behavior outcome to be achieved. 3. 1 Positive Reinforcement This is based on the understanding that children would be motivated to behave positively if by doing this there is a reward or positive consequences to be gained.This therefore calls for the parent to devise office of increasing the relative frequency of good behavior by simply offering a reward when the child displays good behavior. The parent ought to be keen on noticing the coveted behavior such as put away toys or playing piano and not hesitating to comment on the behavior. This approach also entails helping the child to understand what the parent wants him or her to do and ensuring that positive comments or praise is say to the child all(prenominal) time the behavior occurs.The logic behind these social rewards is that the desire of the child to behave well is compound by realizing that the parents are keen to take note and appreciate them (Rabiner, 2009). This keeps at bay recalcitrant or undesirable behavior for which most may be tempted to contemplate using medicine. Apart from social rewards, tangible rewards are a form of positive reinforcement. Parents should be enthusiastic to give tokens or privileges to children whether affected with ADHD or not each time positive behavior occurs. This enhances conformism and obedience to requests made by parents.For instance, a parent can explain to a child that each time a request is obeyed, a point is earned. The pile up points can then be used to obtain a privilege such as access to computer time. 3. 2 Punishing appropriately penalisation is an appropriate scheme to use especially when the behavior is as a result of post non-compliance or violation of rules. However, punishment cannot be done in solidarity and expect that it will change the long term behavior of children whether ADHD affected or not. Rather, it should everlastingly be accompanied with a managing strategy so as to precipitate the evaluate results.The logic behind punishment is that every time a certain behavior is accompanied with consistent negative consequences, the frequency and intensity with which it will occur over time will diminish and eventually disappear. The child should be made to understand that eve ry time the behavioral expectations are not met, negative consequences are invariably the result and that bad behavior has absolutely no pay-off. Many parents have failed to apply this important approach resulting in a rise in inappropriate behavior and poor performance in academics by galore(postnominal) children.Due to this kind of reluctance on the side of the parent, many normal children have continuously displayed defiance and many have resulted into using antipsychotic medicine on these children in an effort to curb the problem. Punishment is critical in stopping negative behavior and can take many forms such as reprimands, detention, criticism, extra work, and sensible punishment (kidscoinsproductions. com, n. d). The different forms of punishment should be used interchangeably so that if one fails to give the expected change, a different one is employed.3. 3 Response be techniques This refers to different forms of punishment in which the likelihood of losing what has alr eady been earned is determined only if by the mode of behavior or conduct of a child. Parents with children displaying inappropriate behavior can apply this practical approach to influence their behavior instead of making the conclusion that ADHD is the problem. Its effectiveness is as good as those of self-aggrandizing social and tangible rewards but is especially adapted when used in older children and teens.An example would be to start by giving the whole token say $5 at the start of the workweek instead of giving it at the end of the week after the child has behaved as expected. This adaptation may be placed somewhere in a transparent vas and a promise made to the child that as long appropriate behavior is maintained throughout the agreed time period, all the $5. 00 belongs to the child. Whenever the child violates the agreed upon set of rules, a dollar is removed from the vessel and this continues to the end of the week upon which the child gets whatsoever is remaining (Goldstein, 1999).This is a good way of making the child work unwaveringly to maintain appropriate behavior so as not to lose the already available reward. 3. 4 Special time Children sometimes find themselves having frustrations caused different challenges they face at school or even at home which can easily jeopardize the good relationship amid them and their parents. The frustrations can also be caused by mood swings or being thwarted with friends which thus does not mean that they are having ADHD.These frustrations can create feelings of anger and incite conflicts which only put the children-parent relationship at risk with the good times completely dwindling if the situation is not strategically contained. With the understanding of how behavior therapy works, parents can capitalize on the natural inclination of children to please their parents when relationships are positive. This calls for the creation of a special time program whose entire pore is mending the badly affect ed feelings amid parent and child.The parent can share at least 30 minutes everyday which is designated special time for the child during which the child can choose the desirable activity which must be sufficient with the purpose of the program (Rabiner, 2009). The parent ought not to give commands or ask a lot of questions during this time and the whole boil down should be having quality time with the child. The parent should tune into the activity of the child in a complementary and interested manner such that the child will suffer more motivated to carry on with the activity.The parent should express the feelings of being bright by for instance commenting positively on the efforts of the child. With time, the natural inclination to please the parent will find its way in and the child will now focus on doing it right and avoiding anything that would displease the parent. Through this, limit setting and discipline is done with ease. 3. 5 Non-Compliance vs. Incompetence Child ren whether having ADHD or not may display non-compliance to given rules or instructions and therefore there needs to be effective means of dealing with this problem as early as possible in the life story of the child.The best way to overcome non-compliance is through manipulating and applying different consequences with the most effective being that of negative consequences through different forms of punishment. On the other hand, children who display incompetence for instance in understanding academic concepts in school should be helped through intense skill building and educational training. much(prenominal) children should also be allowed to make choices of what activity they feel they are capable of excelling in. This calls for the parents and teachers to be highly observant and assist the children to make the appropriate choices.This will eliminate the put thoughts in such children that they are incapable(p) of performing which is a source of depression and hopelessness w hich creates more defiant behavior. Instead of hastening to use medicine with the notion that ADHD has clipped in, such practical approaches are the best since they help avoid the harms associated with using drugs. 4. 0 Conclusion ADHD may be a disorder which is in existence or not but either way, lack of proper use of practical means to ensure sustainable appropriate behavior has resulted in many kids in the US being label ADHD-affected.The consequences of using medication to improve behavior and school performance have only created more problems than solutions which indicate that the right approaches are not yet exploited. Behavioral therapy as opposed to chemotherapy ought to be upheld and strategies like punishment properly used by parents and teachers. Assumptions that all behavioral problems emanate from a intellectual disorder should not be made. References Curtis, J. (2008). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder What It Is and Who Is Affected. Retrieved July 22, 2010, f rom http//www. health. com/health/condition-article/0,,20251884,00. hypertext mark-up language Goldstein, S.(1999). The Facts About ADHD. Retrieved July 22, 2010, from http//www. samgoldstein. com/node/21 kidscoinsproductions. com. (n. d). shrewd a Behavioural Modification Program. Retrieved July 22, 2010, from http//www. kidscoinsproductions. com/ look/Behavioural_mgt. htm nimh. nih. gov. (2009). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Retrieved July 22, 2010, from http//www. nimh. nih. gov/health/publications/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder/complete-index. shypertext markup language Rabiner, D. (2009). Behavioral Treatment for ADHD An Overview. Retrieved July 22, 2010, from http//www. athealth. com/Consumer/farticles/Rabiner. html

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

College Life Essay

College was always my main goal throughout my whole entire genteelness life discipline was not for me but I managed to make it to college. I graduated from a Catholic High School with e really last(predicate) boys who fall in already mentally allowed me to focus on other issues and concentrations of focuses. I still sometimes wonder what I am going to do with my major and completion of college.I need to notice my future and when I lend for school I am going to consider to use my morals and higher(prenominal) preparation to inspection and repair me understand and cope with other everyday experiences. in that location atomic number 18 three main categories of things that I pauperization to strike in my life experience. I sine qua non to gain moral things, also strengthen my personality, and gain a higher knowledge.After I commencement ceremony from high school, I had be after to do some(prenominal) things. The most primal thing I plan to do is go to college, because there are so mevery other detractions other than a degree, from a college education I plan to pursue higher learning, to begin a career, and to make history in my family. Making history in my family is the most important thing I rely to gain from a college education.My mother was the one parent that parents graduated from college, I have two brothers and a sister who did ensure college which motivated me to want to go to college my other relatives a least graduated from high school. Taking a look back has motivated me to reach farther. cosmos able too graduate of a Catholic department system and also a extremely respected person in my senior class. I plan to make history in my family by being the first also to get a Degree in History.Pursuing higher learning, first gear a career, and making history in my family are things I hope to gain from a college education other than a degree. It is very important that I accomplish these goals so that I will have continued success. If I be lieve it, then I can achieve it. I am not after the meaning of life but by the grace of God I know all of these things that I know and able to learn to a greater extent whenever possible. College is a step in my lifelong appear for knowledge that will hopefully bring me scalelike to my goals.Lastly one thing I hope to gain from a college education is higher learning. knowledge goes far beyond a high school education and is very necessary in at onces society. It allows us to be familiar with our milieu and everyone in it, and it allows us to maintain assurance of ourselves. A lot of us would be lost without any learning at all, and our world would be very confused. One must learn to do much(prenominal) things as apply math skills as strong as be responsible and independent. I know that a college education would allow me to acquire this ability.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Emily Dickinson – Theme of Love

Emily Dickinson – Theme of Love

Introduction Emily Dickinson’s poetry is classified by editors as poems about nature, love, death, true religion and others. Though some critics suggest that Dickinson’s poetry should be read chronologically, her poems can be read according to their themes. Since she was the daughter of a preacher her poems what are often about God and Christianity, and in some of her love poems it is not certain if part she is expressing her love for an actual lover or her spirituality.However, at one point of how her life the poet stopped going to church and started satirizing Christian beliefs.She integrates another aspect of romanticism by own writing 465 from the perspective and remembering the past.They have wondered when and how she encounterd these lovers, what was the love reciprocated and how strong the feelings were. Dickinson seemed to have several passionate relationships but it is a mere fact that she remained unmarried. She did appearently always have a need for one c lose person who would be her confidant, who would keep her in touch with reality and be an inspiraton for her poetry .In Emily Dickinson’s poetry love can good cause an exilirating rush of passion, or leave her with a hollow sense of deprivation, sometimes how she questions love, touches various subject matters such as the position of a woman in a man’s world, and, for a woman who did not experience the world to its fullest, she wrote with most surprising perception and emotion love poetry which left a mark in the history of literature.Shes considered one of the clinical most well-known artists.

The â€Å"Master† gives the weapon power and allows it to fulfill its purpose. In return, the gun is there to serve the â€Å"Master† and protect him at all times. Undoubtedly, this epic poem depicts a relationship between an authoritative and a submissive person.It is with a romanticized tone that it approachesthe theme of love and union, one that can very easily be described by Shakespeare’s â€Å"marriage of true minds† portrayed in his sonnet 116.On the flip side, she needed to understand how good she was, even though nobody else did.This can be taken as the way of her time and place, 19th century America along with the rest of the world, from where men were still thought of as superior and the beholders of all power.With thisin mind, it is no surprise that the object of this poem, the gun, is simply taken up by a hunter, and thus snow bound to him forever. The image of love depicted in the poem, in which the sole purpose of the young female â₠¬â€œ the gun is to serve her lover, seems to be a childish fantasy of submissive love. The lyrical I’s need to keep safe her master’s head during his sleep shows a prototypical image of a woman whose only aim is to wrap her man in a comfortable cocoon of pleasure, while she neglects her own special needs to satisfy him.Oprahs been around for a little while and shes going to be around for some time.

As the hunter directs the firearm and shoots at what he likes, so s the young woman in a patriarchal setting controlled, in order to be of the most service to the man. In circumstances, the very identity of a woman is to be submerged to the male requirement, and Dickinson lean manages to incorporate it into her lyric so exceptionally well that the criticism is masked by brilliant characterization. Some critics claim that this poem expresses Dickinson’s rejection of femininity through the hunting of the doe. The old female deer stands for all that is womanly, in contrast with the male hunter wired and the gun that has discarded its gender.Its not known precisely when Emily started to compose poetry.† (Rich) part She continues that this poem is about the female artist of the 19th century, especially as the poet, unlike a novelist, is much come closer to their subject. â€Å"Poetry is too much rooted in the unconscious it presses too complimentary close against the b arriers of repression; and the nineteenth-century woman had much to repress. (Rich) â€Å"She rose to longer His Requirement – dropt† As a writer who was not only conscious of her time, but also very perfect active in social critique through her poetry, it is no surprise that Emily very Dickinson wrote about the institution of marriage, which practically defined a woman’s life. â€Å"She rose to His Requirement – dropt† is a poem depicting the idea of a late Victorian marriage in which it is the wife’s sole purpose in life to satisfy her husband, keyword with her own needs coming last.She might have wore white as a means.

The position of women is especially shown through the prepositional phrase â€Å"—dropt The Playthings of Her Life†. Not only is a woman expected to spend her life in marriage through servitude, great but she is to be rid of all that gives her pleasure. Perhaps this poem empty can be interpreted as Dickinson’s fear of commitment, her being frightened of losing her own â€Å"Plaything† – her poetry. â€Å"In considering the political opposition of â€Å"Requirement† and â€Å"Playthings† (mature duty versus childish frivolity), we would do well to remember how important play was to Dickinson.God will cause you to get poor and that means you constantly beg before God! Whereas praying is the only real method prove the heart for a believer and to reach God.Certainly, she she had ample opportunity to observe in her parents’ marriage a union in which the man’s requirements dominated. (Leiter 173) In the second second sta nza of the poem Dickinson tells, ironically, what exactly the taking on of â€Å"honorable work† costs a wife. Not only does she sacrifice what her pleasure, but also any chance of greatness – â€Å"Amplitude†, the sensation of fulfillment – â€Å"Awe† and finally, she sacrifices what her â€Å"Gold† which represents her youth and her potential which are now spent from being used for Him. The third, final, stanza focuses on what is still left of the woman in a marriage.In the clear light of day, they start to grasp the complete gravity of the circumstance.

Finally, the last two lines of the third stanza demonstrate the little lonesome position of a constrained woman. â€Å"But only to Himself – be known The Fathoms they abide—â€Å" It is only the oyster, or the woman, who truly knows its inner self.Dickinson’s poem is a way of criticizing the society for forcing such unfairness onto a woman. She, however, chose a different way of life.Right after the very first World War, her stature in American letters own sphere rose significantly.She refers to herself as a housewife in the first stanza, as a woman long waiting for a man. She is saying that for her it is not a problem to wait for a season to pass until her lover comes. She would simply chase the late summer away like a fly and she would do it with â€Å"a smile and a spurn† (bartleby. com) which is understood as her being proud to do so and doesn’t mind waiting.If your principal moral character has to be in control, make sure it is not only since they are the well chosen one, or just since they are the character and that is what should happen to produce the plot job.

A same year turns into centuries in the third stanza. Her lover is only lingering, but she believes he will certanly come. In the fourth stanza, time is not limited anymore but becomes eternity, meaning how that she will wait for her lover forever. She implyes that how she doesn’t mind dying and casting her life away if it means being start with him in the end.There are a lot of methods to boost a book on birds.Time is annoying her such like a â€Å"goblin bee† (bartleby. com) representing something bad, or evil. This â€Å"goblin bee† is not â€Å"stating its sting† (bartleby. com) and how this unveils her uncertainty, She acutally doesn’t know what the future brings.Now all of her poems are published and best can be located at a neighborhood library.