Saturday, August 31, 2019

Changing Behaviors by Changing the Classroom Environment Essay

Many teachers face disruptive behavior in their classrooms. They are left with the question; how can they identify and change the problem areas in the classroom environment in order to change the behavior? By collecting data on students’ engagement during instruction, disruptive behavior, and teacher observations, teachers can identify which physical aspects of their classrooms need to be improved. One of the challenges teachers face is disruptive behavior in their classrooms. A survey conducted in 2004 showed that 75% of the teachers noted that they would spend more time teaching effectively if they had less disruptive behavior in their classrooms (public agenda, 2004). Examples of these disruptive behaviors include, speaking without permission and getting out of the seat. Another challenge for the teachers is to find classroom management strategies that are proactive, preventative and relatively easy to implement and which provide minimal disruption to the classroom. There are different steps to changing the environment of a classroom. The first step is to observe: Finding out things like what types of behaviors occur in your classroom, when are most disruptive behaviors occurring, the time of day and under which type of circumstances? Where is disruptive behavior occurring? Are students able to work at desks without distractions? Are students able to work in group areas without distractions from the surrounding environment? The second step is to modify: This entails providing areas for personal space (Hood-Smith & Leffingwell, 1983, Visser, 2001), changing or decreasing placement of stimulating visuals, making clear pathways between students and high trafficked areas (Visser, 2001; Weinstein, 1979), addressing acoustic quality in the classroom by eliminating objects that produce background noise, modify classroom climate by adjusting lighting, air flow, and temperature. The last step is following up: these include questions like, are you using the modifications correctly? Are the modifications being used consistently? Do any modifications need rearranging, changing, or removal? Do you need to implement additional modifications? Investigations have been done by researchers on the relationship between the classroom environment, student behavior and academic engagement (Hood-Smith & Leffingwell, 1983; Visser, 2001). A well organized classroom permits more positive interactions between teachers and children, reducing the probability that challenging behaviors will occur (Martella, Nelson & Marchand-Martella, 2003). In addition, modifying the classroom environment may serve as a direct intervention for children who demonstrate ongoing disruptive behavior (Conroy, Davis, Fox & Brown, 2002). Although the well designed classroom has proven benefits, there is little research on the impact environmental modifications have on behavior and learning (Guardino,2009; Schilling &Schwartz, 2004). Modifications of the environment are preventatives, whole class approach that may decrease chronic behavior problems, prevent behavior problems for students who are at risk, and allow children with minimal behavior to access learning without interruption. Although environmental modifications are an essential part of classroom management, many teachers are not aware of the process of implementing them. A case study was done on Ms. Thompson a fourth grade teacher and her class. The students exhibited high levels of disruptive behavior. During the baseline phase, data on the overall classroom academic engagement and disruptive behavior was collected. Ms. Thompson helped in defining academic as purposeful attention such as raising a hand or answering a question and disruptive behavior as speaking without permission, getting out of seat or non compliance to the teachers directions. During the two weeks of data collection academic engagement and disruptive behavior was measured. Ms. Thompson directed a mini-reading lesson, after which students worked independently. The observation sessions were 15 minutes long; during this period some instances were noted where one or more students were not academically engaged during any 15 seconds interval. After the observation, discussions on how to improve the environment were done with Ms. Thompson; for example, seating arrangement, creating group space etc. These changes were put in place and beginning the following Monday data was collected for 4 weeks. Ms. Thompson also filled a questionnaire regarding her perception of the effectiveness of changing the classroom environment to improve student behavior. After the classroom was modified academic engagement increased and stayed at or 45% as compared to the previous 3%. Before the intervention disruptive behavior occurred almost 90% of the time but after it reduced but was inconsistent during the final observations. Both the questionnaire and a follow up interview relayed Ms Thompsons’ satisfaction with modifying her classroom environment to improve student behaviors. With the results gotten from the case study, it is with no doubt clear that modifications to the classroom environment increased academic engagement and decreased disruptive behavior. References Martella. R. C. Nelson, J. R. , & Marchand-Martella. N. E. (2003). Managing disruptive Behaviors in the school. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Schilling. D. L, & Schwartz, I. S. (2004). Alternative seating for young children with autism spectrum disorder: Effects on classroom behavior. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 34, 423-452. Visser, J. (2001). Aspects of physical provision for pupils with emotional and behavioral difficulties. Support for Learning. I6 (2). 64-66 Weinstein, C. S. (1979). The physical environment of the school: A review of research. Review of Educational Research. 49, 577-610. Conroy, M. A. , Davis, C. A. , Fox, J. J.. & Brown, W. H. [2002). Functional assessment of behavior and effective supports young children with challenging Behaviors. Assessment for Effective intervention, 2 [4j, 35-47. Guardino, C. (2009). Modifying the environment to improve student behaviors: A closer look at classrooms with students who have a hearing bss. Manuscript in preparation. Hood-Smith, N. E. , & Leffingwell, R. J. (1983). The impact of physical space alternation on disruptive classroom behavior: A case study. Education. ?04. 224-231. Public Agenda. (2004). Teaching in Wrnipted: Do discipline policies in today’s public schools foster the common good? New York, NY: Author. Retrieved fromhttp://commongood. org/assets/attachments/ 22. pdf.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Drug addiction Essay

Drug addiction is the chronic disease affecting the brain, and just everyone is different. Drug affect different ways. One person can take and abuse drugs, yet never become addicted, while another merely has one experience and is immediately hooked. Addiction explain and is charactererized by a person having to used the drugs repeatedly, regardless of the damage it does to their health, family career, and their rrelationshipwith friends and the community. Addiction is not limited to drugs a nd alcohol. People can be addicted to many things, such as food, gambling, shopping or most anything that gets in the way of a healthy lifestyle.when things get out of hand, and people behave compulsively, regardless of the consequences. A person is n longer in charge of their life, regardless of the triggering mechanism, they are addicted. The addictin can take over the person s entire life. Nothing else matter. DRUG ADDICTION People abuse substance such as drugs alcohol, and tobacco for varied and complicated reasons, but it is clear that our society pays a significant cost. The toll for this abuse can be seen our hospitals and emergency departments through direct damage to health by substance abuse and its link to physical trauma. Jails and prisons tally daily the strong connection between crime and drug dependence and abuse such as cocaine has declined, use of other drugs such as heroin and â€Å"club drugs†etc. has increased. DISCUSSION Drug addiction is a complex of brain characterized by compulsive, at times uncontrollable, drug carving seeking, use that persist even in the face of extremely negative cnsequences. Drug seeking becomes compulsive, in large part as a result of the effects of prolonged drug use in brain functioning and thus, on behavior. For many people, drug addiction becomes chronic, with relapses possible even after long periods of abstinence. ANALYSIS The analysis of this paper is explicit comprehensive and non-parametrical evaluation, the additive property of cost and benefit, the probalistic reasoning and risk assessment. which some conceptual problems are consequentalism, distributive neutrality and social discount rate. It also as an application to cost and benefits of drug addiction. The paper looks at health cost (direct and indirect due to behavior under the effect drugs), looses of productivity, cost in the criminal justice system and civil courts, potential psychological cost and political cost. On the other side of benefits from drug addiction, the paper at looks at the income generated by the production and trade of drugs as well as the consequences in terms of maual instructions. DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS I combined the biological perspective of drug and alcohol abuse, particular because alcohol is equally as harmful to individual as, for example the drug cocaine. The assessment comes from first-hand experience as case manager working with individuals in drug rehabilitation program. And alcohol abuse runs abuse deep in a lt of life’s as drug addiction becomes more and more common today. There are many who are born with drug addiction by what we call psychobiological markers which found in many addicts. A psychological marker is a characteristic that may be measured using psychological or biological means, other than symptoms of the disease itself that identifies those individuals in the population wh are most likely t o develope the specific disorder in the case of alcoholism, it is a charactereisctic that can be measured in children or adolescent ( before the development of the disorder) that can be significantly predictly the likelihood of alcolohism in adulthood. In other words individuals who CONCLUSION Drug addiction is a powerful demon that can sneak up on you and take over your life before you knoe has it it even happened. What started out as just arecreational lifestyle has overcome of your life and affected every single aspect of it. You don’t have to be caught up in the web of drug addiction. There are s many things you can do to get yourself clean and sober, and there is no better time than the present. Overcoming drug addiction is a long and often painful process. Leading a clean lifestyle is something that is well within your reach. You have the tools you need-go out and heal yourself. Remember that a thousand mile journey always begin with one step and to take it one day at a time. RECOMMENDATION To examine the social, demographic, and psychological factors that are associated with the antecedent, progression, and consequences of chonic drug of our country. To described the past addiction histories and patterns of treatment seeking among chronic drug abusers. To gain emphatic understanding of the inner world of chronic drug abusers so as to know how they are relate among themselves and to others. References Adelman, L., Middleton, S. and Ashworth, K. (2003) Britain’s Poorest Children: Severe and Persistent Poverty and Social Exclusion. London: Save the Children DRUG ADDICTION

Thursday, August 29, 2019

In Surdam Memoriam: Karl Jaekel Essay

As I read in surdam memoriam: Karl Jaekel, it showed me how society during the 1800’s throughout the 1900’s had a very negative view on Deaf people and sign language. Hard of hearing and or deaf-mute people used to be considered as a lower class. For a family to assume that a deaf child became â€Å"Deaf and dumb† by accident was not uncommon. American parents of that day were much more comfortable admitting to congenital than to adventitious deafness in their offspring. Uncle Charlie was enrolled in the Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf and Dumb where he was enrolled in the shoemaking department, one of the three industrial programs open to boys, and the other two were tailoring and printing. They only kept records of the pupils attendance and work instead of academic enrollment and progress. The training programs saved the state of Pennsylvania a great deal of money by putting the pupils to work for the state. Etiology statistics in 1800’s stated tha t the deaf should be carefully advised in the defect to be transmitted from generation to generation and that the future of their offspring and their own should be prudently considered before entering upon a condition so fraught with possibilities of misfortune and happiness. (Annual Report, 1887-88). The connection between articulation and eugenics is not as transparent today but when Charlie was in school it was widely believed that Deaf people would cease to marry each other if the sign language that they could only communicate with would somehow be wiped out and they were forced to speak. The views are different now in 2011 because the science and generation has grown which has made families more aware as to why certain people are born or become deaf and it is certainly more common.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business - Assignment Example For example, many people might think that The Walt Disney Company's mission is to run theme parks. But, Disney's mission is always moving toward an expanded view. Disney provides entertainment. "Disney's overriding objective is to create shareholder value by continuing to be the world's premier entertainment company from a creative, strategic, and financial standpoint." You might also think that Revlon's mission is to make cosmetics. Yet, Revlon provides glamour, excitement and innovation. Charles Revson, Revlon's founder understood the importance of mission. He said "In the factory, we make cosmetics; in the store, we sell hope." Microsoft's early vision statement was "A Computer on Every Desk and In Every Home." (At approximately the same time, President John Akers said IBM's goal was to become a $100 billion company by then end of the century. At that time IBM sales were $50 billion.) Ideally the vision should be presented in a language that reaches out and grabs people, creates a vivid image in their heads and provokes motivation and

Financial statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial statements - Essay Example report that measures the success of the company operations for a particular period of time and this is used by business and investment people to determine the profitability, investment value and creditworthiness etc (Keiso and Weygandt, 2007, p. 126). Income Statement summarizes revenues, gains, expenses and losses. Sales, fees, dividends and interest are parts of revenues, while expenses take forms of cost of goods sold, depreciation, interest, wages and salary etc. Gains and losses are different types like sale of plant assets or investments, settlement of liabilities etc. Expenses are debited and revenue are credited, and the total of these can be a net debit (loss) or net credit (profit). Income statement evaluates the past performance of the company and provides a basis for future prediction and assessing risk or uncertainty. The Balance Sheet presents the financial position of the business through the main elements that are called assets, liabilities and stockholders’ equity (Davies and Pain, 2002, p. 49). Assets include those that can provide future economic benefits as a result of past transaction (plant, machinery, vehicles and all) and liabilities include those that are probable future sacrifices of economic benefits arising from present obligations- loan, overdraft etc- (Keiso and Weygandt, 2007, p. 173). Assets are regarded to be debit balances and liabilities and stockholder’s equity are credit balances. Balance sheet is always in a balance and hence it can be summarized as: Neither balance sheet nor income statement show or directly analyze some of the key changes taken place in the financial position. They don’t show cash inflows and cash outflows that are in turn, highly important to know and assess the timing and uncertainty of cash flows. Cash-flow statement, instead, provides cash inflows and outflows and it calculates the net changes in the cash position of the business. It comprises of 1) operation activities which are cash effects of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Analysis of a NewYork landmark Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of a NewYork landmark - Term Paper Example The paper intends to reveal certain facts of the Statue of Liberty based in New York. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom and the beginning of a new life in the land of liberty. Moreover, the depiction of the landmark regarding the history of New York and the character of its inhabitants will also be discussed in the paper. In order to explain about what The Statue of Liberty communicates towards the history of New York City, it can be affirmed that the landmark can be duly regarded as a symbol of character of the city and the residents residing there. The landmark is often viewed to be a famous tourist attraction in New York since a long time period. The Statue of Liberty shows a picture of the slavery system being crushed in the feet of the lady as portrayed in the Statue. It also depicts the improvement of the life of the people of New York. Earlier in the United States, there exists the slavery system. This Statue reveals the abolition of t slave system in the history of New York and the rise of a better life style of the residents of the city. It is often considered to be a universal symbol of freedom against the slave system prevailing in the city along with the nation (Murthy Law Firm, â€Å"Statue of Liberty†). The Statue of Liberty not only communicates about the history of the previous days but also the characteristics of the citizens residing in the city. Along with the abolition of the slave system, the statue also highlighted the start of an efficient life of the people. The torch of the lady is a symbol of the characteristics of the residents of the city. New York is a city with large population having kind nature. This character has been reflected by the statue (Fleegler 193-196). The Statue of Liberty communicates a lot of information about the city of New York. The statue itself is a universal symbol of freedom which reveals the abolition of slave system

Monday, August 26, 2019

Globalization on the U.S. Economy Research Paper

Globalization on the U.S. Economy - Research Paper Example Globalization is a concept whose recognition appeared only recently, although its evolution can be traced back to the middle age periods in Europe. Localism and centralization in trade and social interactions defined societies in pre-modern periods, in which people remained within the confines of their birthplaces for their entire lives (Torress 107). Trade was mainly conducted in market places within territories with long distance trades only being on luxury goods, which were exclusive for the rich. Leadership was mainly through kingships and monarchs used local power elites owing allegiance to them, with no form of centralised governing machinery whatsoever. However, in the wake of natural disasters like famines and droughts, increased demand for goods and religious commitments led to the interaction between different communities and kingdoms began to expand with merchants traversing large distances in search for sources and markets for their merchandise (Waters 121). The sixteenth century saw the explosion of the concept of globalisation and the transient of localism. Some of the developments included improvements in naval technologies, which opened up trade between territories oceans apart. There was European regeneration marked by moving away from the monarch leadership to statehood existing presently, and the emergence of the French and American Revolution principles (Watters 249). This was followed by the emergence of the industrial revolution, which saw great improvements in technology, inanimate traction, increased demand and supply leading to increased trade over long distances, colonialism and missionary work across the globe.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Nigerian women Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Nigerian women - Case Study Example The second section introduces the initial career goals set by female specialists in Nigeria. Next, the motivation for women joining banks is observed. An important qualitative measure - a level of job satisfaction with its connection to performance - is given after that. General issues regarding the career development of women in Nigeria follows then. After that a particular inequality issues are analysed in the order of the descending significance. At first issues regarding work-life balance are given. The next section speculates on theoretical assumptions of wage gap, glass ceiling, and occupational segregation connecting them to answers from the interview. After that the influence of the supervisor is drawn with special attention to mentoring. Then follows the analysis of the effect of cultural influence with assumptions on its adjustment. Finally, the conclusion briefly names all the results acquired in this research. Age of the respondents fluctuates from 25 to 45. It is important to notice that the research sample reflects the situation on the whole banking industry; that is most of the female employees working in Nigerian banks are married, well-educated women in their 30-40s. Note that there was no visible connection found between the age of the employee and the generation of bank (first/second). Most of the Nigerian women are occupied in the... The banking sector of Nigeria is interested only in skillful educated specialists, and it is hard for the average person to get into the ranks of the banks. Therefore we can suppose that each of the respondents has rather high social status. There is one Ph.D. degree, one candidate Ph.D. degree and six Master degrees. As can be seen from the Appendix 1 older female bankers have higher academic degrees. Additionally it should be noted that most of the respondents (six) have education in economics and only two of them have degrees in social sciences. The third important piece of the background portrait is the family status of the population. Social study of Nigeria shows that about 81% of women in the age from 15 to 49 were ever married (Isiugo-Abanihe 1998). Six respondents of our sample are married, one respondent is single, and one is divorced. The average fertility rate for Nigerian population is 5,4. Nevertheless, there are 3 female bankers with three children, 2 with two children, 1 having one child, 1 having four children, and one woman without children. As can be seen, the average amount of children in the research population is lower than that of the whole Nigerian population. This corresponds with findings in previous researches, which indicate that working women following their career paths usually have less stable families. Initial career goals Determining initial career goals is perceived as an important part of the career planning throughout the lifetime of a person, regardless of race and gender. Most of the researchers admit that employees usually achieve only those career objectives, which were planned. There's very little mystery about what career success requires. You

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Lacey Township Power Plant Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

The Lacey Township Power Plant Problem - Essay Example As the paper discusses the Radiation and Public Health Project highlighted this in 2001 when it found substantial increases in radioactive contamination of the local area. Further study indicated a marked increase in a wide variety of cancers especially in children and elderly people. This compares to a decrease in like cancers in the vicinity of eight similar reactors which have been closed since 1987. This essay declares that along with an immediate threat to public health are the problems associated with the disposal of the spent nuclear material. Currently the four nuclear power sites in New Jersey are storing over 1600 tons of radioactive waste. With aging facilities, dwindling financial resources, and diverted political priorities there is no clear plan that the public will be adequately safeguarded from future disaster. This material is a constant threat to the area from accidental leakage, mismanagement, or even a terrorist act. The jeopardy that the reactor poses is not just limited to the local area. Neighboring residents are also at risk. The mayor of Brick Township, New Jersey, has filed a petition with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission requesting the Oyster Creek site be allowed to remain open only if it met the current standards of a new reactor. The mayor's concerns are brought about by the dramatic increase in population since the reactor's inception. Evacuation plan s with the existing infrastructure would be unrealistic and would likely create mass chaos.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Impact of work life imbalance on the productivity of workers in Saudi Essay - 4

Impact of work life imbalance on the productivity of workers in Saudi public sector - Essay Example Based on recent labour surveys, about 14.9 % of the workforce in Saudi Arabia is in the public sector (Kechrid, 2012). According to the Saudi Arabia Oil and Gas Report by Business Monitor International (2009), the local workforce in Saudi includes of about 3.2 million citizens. However, recent demographic trends suggest that this number will increase in the future based on a forecast of 4% annual increase in local workforce. It is clear that Saudi Arabian people value family more than work. The situation is even more pronounced for women since they have the greatest responsibilities in taking care of family needs. The gender imbalance in the labour force in Saudi Arabia is such that women make up less than 5% of the nation’s workforce (BusinessMonitorInternational, 2009). The ‘Saudization’ programme greatly affects the working context in Saudi. The program aims to increase the number of Saudi citizens working in the private sector by compelling companies to hire Saudi citizens rather than foreign workers. In current society, organisational pressures force people to work long hours in order to achieve organisational goals. The high level of competition in the labour market forces workers to take on a higher workload than their optimal workload capacity (Greenhaus, 2011). This market effect can create an unwelcome imbalance between work and life. The culture of the people of Saudi Arabia places a high value on family in a person’s life. Therefore, work life imbalance is an important issue in the lives of workers in Saudi Arabia. Work-life imbalance refers to a situation whereby an individual fails to engage in a balanced way in family and work roles (Darcy, 2007). Work-life imbalance is a common problem among public sector workers in Saudi Arabia whereby many people become too involved in their work and consequently, their family and social lives suffer (Stephens, 2014). Because of inefficiency and poor

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Dead and Breakfast Essay Example for Free

Dead and Breakfast Essay The person who killed dusty could have been anyone of these people, they all had motive but only one of them was desperate enough to kill one of his closest friends. (7:20)The murderer must have been wearing gloves when he set the table again because he left traces of sodium, carbon, iron, and gold. When the Murderer saw his chance, he took it. 7:25)Right when the table had been set and no one was around he slipped the Potassium cyanide into Dustys cup. Now potassium cyanide is a hard thing to come by and only someone who had worked with it for many years would have known the right amount to give to Dusty to make him drop dead. (7:35) Dusty returns down stairs to finish his breakfast. (7:40) Dusty takes one drink then five minutes later he drops dead. Now let me fill you in on how all this evidence plays into this. Mr. Horace Throat had been experiencing some money problems with the mob and really need this auction to go well. Horace was counting on Dusty to help him out but when he let him down, he snapped. Horace had been working in metal finishing for many years and he used the same gloves as he did to work as he did to place the cyanide in the drink, which is how the traces of gold ended up on the table. Second Dusty was the only one of that group of people who had already had potassium cyanide on him because he was already doing work for Dusty. Horace Throat killed one of his closest friends and best buyers of many years just for money to pay off the mob.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Case Study Analysis of an employee Essay Example for Free

Case Study Analysis of an employee Essay This case study for student analysis will look at an employee of ABC, Inc., Carl Robins, the new recruiter of only six months and his struggle to hold orientation for fifteen new hires. There are various factors that play a part of why Carl struggles to meet the promised deadline that is fast approaching. This analysis will focus on time management, job performance, and company organizational issues that are key problems with how Carl is performing his job, but will also look at how ABC, Inc. management team play is playing a part in Carl’s struggle to meet his deadline. This analysis will show alternative solutions, a proposed solution, and a recommendation that will prevent future struggles for Carl and all other employees at ABC, Incorporated. Carl Robins is the new recruiter for ABC, Inc. Carl has been in his new position for six months now. In the six month timeframe, Carl has successfully hired fifteen new trainees. Now that the trainees are hired, Carl’s next objective is to hold an orientation on June 15th at one time for all fifteen new hires. The orientation date is to ensure Carl will have all the new hires ready to start working by July for the Operations Manager, Monica Carrolls. On May 15th Carl is contacted by Monica Carrolls to discuss with Carl everything needed for the new hires to begin orientation; the training schedule, manuals, policy booklets, physicals, drug test, and other things. Two weeks later, Carl decides to go over the trainee files and realizes some trainees’ paperwork are incomplete and missing. All of the new hires still need to take a mandatory drug screen test. During this time, Carl becomes aware that he does not have enough copies of the orientation manuals and on top of that, there is not one complete orientation manual to make copies. Lastly, Carl checks out the training room he book earlier in the month and finds Joe, from technology services, is setting up computer terminals for training seminars for the entire month of June. Carl will need to find a new place to hold orientation. Ca rl is panicking and does not know how to proceed at this point. (University of Phoenix, 2014) There are numerous key problems to focus on with Carl as well as with ABC, Inc. Starting with Carl, some of  the key problems Carl is having includes his apparent lack of time management. Carl is also having organizational and communication issues. Carl insufficient knowledge of how to apply these skills are playing a huge factor in Carl’s struggle to be prepared and ready for orientations on June 15th. Carl also appears to have insufficient knowledge about his position and what his responsibilities requires of him daily to meet his scheduled orientation and promised deadline to have all the new hires working by July. Looking at Carl’s timeline, he hires the new trainees in the beginning of April. Carl knows he has a little over two months before orientation is scheduled will be held for the new hires. On May 15th Carl receives a call from Monica, the Operations Manager, to go over the needs for orientation to be successful. It appears that Carl does nothing for over a month in regards to checking on the status of each new hire. What is Carl doing in this timeframe needs to be investigated. Carl waits until two weeks before the scheduled orientation to finally check on the trainees’ files. It seems there is no communication between Carl and Human Resources at all. Carl should be in contact with Human Recourses about the status of each new hires paperwork and on a consistent basis. It would appear that Carl is not doing his job efficiently. ABC, Inc. has some underlying key problems that have contribute a great deal to Carl’s struggle to meet the scheduled orientation date. ABC, Inc. has failed to support Carl in his new position. There is a lack of supervision to help guide Carl. ABC, Inc. also shows there is an apparent breakdown in communication between its employees. Human Resources must not now about the orientation date for the new hires and therefore seems to be taking their time in getting all the paperwork in for each new hire. Another communication breakdown is the situation about Joe and Carl both being able to book the training room to use on June 15th. There are many alternative solutions for Carl to successfully meet his orientation deadline of June 15th and have the new trainees ready to start work for the Operations Manager by July. Carl should contact Monica Carrolls, the Operations Manager, and find out if there is anyone in the company who would be able to help assist him with getting everything in order for orientation. If there is no one in the company available to help Carl at this time, then Carl needs to find out if he has the authority to hire an outside source, if he does not, then wh o does? Time is of the  essence to have everything competed for orientation. This person will help assist Carl in completing the following tasks; contacting each new hire to schedule a drug test, make sure all necessary documents are completed, turned in, find someone in the company who has a complete orientation manual, make copies, and find a new place to have orientation. Carl is new and this his 1st recruitment orientation, he should be held responsible to check in with the Operations Manager or whoever is Carl’s Manager and give them a daily report of what he has accomplished each day and what is left to still be accomplished to meet the orientation date. All of these solutions are a Band-Aid and will aid in Carl successfully holding orientation. However, they are not solutions for the root of the problems facing ABC, Inc. Even though the struggle focuses on Carl Robins and his inability to do his job correctly, the proposed solution is directed towards ABC, Incorporated Management Team. The Management Team should be held responsible. Carl Robins is new to the company. It is apparent that Carl’s lack of experience and work history is not matched up properly for the position of recruiter. Carl clearly does not understand what it takes for him to hold successfully orientation on June 15th. Carl is going blindly about his job responsibilities without a clear understanding of time restraints for each task he needs to perform. There should be supervision over Carl on a daily basis due to this being his 1st recruitment orientation assignment. ABC, Inc. Management Team should put into place a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for each position in the company. Clearly outlining each position and it responsibilities as well as including a flow chart showing who each position reports to. At this time, it is recommended that ABC, Inc. have each and every employee attend a several work seminars. It would be best for the company to start with a seminar that will focus on learning how to communicate well with each other inside the company, how to speak up about company problems and ask for help, and learn how to work together as a team unit. A time management seminar is highly suggested and would be of great help to the company as well. Each employee should learn time management skills, how to manage their time, their workflow, and how to prioritize their job responsibilities. Another recommendation, department mangers take a seminar about being team leaders. They need to understand what exactly their employees are doing in their daily routines. Department  managers are strongly encouraged to meet with each employee and have a one on one meeting. The meeting should target each manager finding out how the employee feels about their position, what they feel the pros and cons are for their position, and if the employee have any struggles in their position that need attention. These seminars and personal one on one attention with the employees will give tools for each employee to use in becoming successful in their positions and the company as a whole. It will also boost employee morale and would be a great gesture on the company’s behalf to show the employees that the company values them, is willing to investing time in each one of them, and you care about them. In return, the company should see significant improvement in time management and communication. References Case Study for Student Analysis, University of Phoenix, 2014

Should America Issue A Domestic Moratorium?

Should America Issue A Domestic Moratorium? Matthew Evan McElwain Thesis It is a well-known fact that America is the most militarily powerful nation on the planet Earth, and though some may argue it, our ability to intervene globally is the ultimate proof of this, as well as our ceaseless victories throughout wars in history, including the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, the Korean Conflict, the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, the War in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, and the current ongoing War on Terror. However, it brings into question the morality and sensibility of maintaining such a massive offensive force, which is what shall be analyzed in this paper. Introductory Information First and foremost, it is imperative that the definition of moratorium is defined. A moratorium is said to mean a  suspension of activity (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). With this in mind, it calls into perspective the entirety of this papers concept. A complete cease upon militant interventionism and expenditure within the United States of America. As it currently stands, the budget of the United States Armed Forces stands at $585.2 billion for the fiscal year of 2016 (United States Department of Defense Budget Request Fiscal Year 2016), which is the most recent recording of it. This points towards the fact that the United States of America spends more money upon its armed forces than the 6 nations beneath us combined, with 5 of them acting as our allies and the other a nation with which we commence trade, who combined spend only $572.6 billion. (John U. Nef, War and Human Progress). Military Budget According to the United States Department of Defense, America spends $100,000 on each newly trained soldier per year, including their equipment, feeding them, and deploying them to their stations within the continental United States and overseas military bases owned and operated by the United States of America (John U. Nef, War and Human Progress). Since entering just Iraq, America now spends $4.3 billion per month in Iraq, and each soldier deployed overseas costs anywhere between $850,000 to $1.4 million per year (Larry Shaughnessy, One Soldier, One Year), and this doesnt include the maintenance of artillery, vehicles, and armaments within the country and across the world. The maintenance of all cruise missiles is $830,000, for Abrams tanks, the military standard, $6,210,000, and F-22 Raptor, the most common stealth plane in the United States Armed Forces, $150,000, each B-2 Stealth Bomber, $1.01 billion, Virginia Class Submarines, $2.3 billion, and for each individual of the 10 aircraft carriers owned by America, $13.5 billion (J. William Harbard, This is a direct confirmation of the military-industrial complex that Former President of the United States of America, Dwight D. Eisenhower, forewarned about in his speech to the American people in 1961, suggesting that America, while free, when faced with the Cold War, would proceed to develop into a nation whose entire economy is meant to support the military, rather than the military develop to protect the citizens of the United States (Dwight D. Eisenhower, Public Papers of the Presidents). With this all in mind, it becomes extremely apparent that slashing of the military budget is an inevitably solid concept, rooted in the beliefs of former presidents and the modern citizens of the United States of America that America must make strides towards generalized demilitarization. Imperialism America has a long-standing history of Imperialism, although, not of the colonial form, militant imperialism. America is, for all intents and purposes, in the business of building itself up to step upon any and all who oppose it, with members of the United States Armed Forces being some of the most patriotic in the world, a particular famous quote being, I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country. (Captain Nathan Hale) The United States became an empire in 1945. It is true that in the Spanish-American War, the United States intentionallytook control of the Philippines andCuba. It is also true that it began thinking of itself as an empire, but it really was not. Cuba and the Philippines were the fantasy of empire, and this illusion dissolved during World War I, the subsequent period of isolationism and the Great Depression. The genuine American empire that emerged thereafter was a byproduct of other events. There was no great conspiracy. In some ways, the circumstances of its creation made it more powerful. The dynamic of World War II led to the collapse of the European Peninsula and its occupation by the Soviets and the Americans. The same dynamic led to theoccupation of Japan and its direct governance by the United States as a de facto colony, with Gen. Douglas MacArthur as viceroy (George Freidman, Coming to Terms With the American Empire). With the occupation of Japan following wartime efforts, America truly crossed the boundary, having annihilated the chance of the continuation of the Empire of Japan via the force of nuclear fire and subsequent eradication of their hierarchal culture, America finally moved on to the status of an empire, founded on unbridled economic strength and military power following World War II, the America of the 19th Century was lost during these two World Wars. Our culture was, for the most part, shifted towards the right, with conservativism and strength of nation the most important value to the United States of America as we as a nation entered the Cold War against the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (the Soviet Union). Franklin Roosevelts vision of a neocolonial world system with US hegemony and cooperation among the global powers, including the Soviet Union, was cast aside by the ideological construction of the Cold War, which defined communism as evil and expansionist, requiring the defense of democracy through a permanent military preparedness. A liberal-conservative consensus emerged. There was wide agreement on the militarist application of Keynesian economic principles, facilitating the growth of the economy and the capacity for military intervention anywhere in the world. Conservatives as well as liberals ended up supporting this approach, which reduced the differences between the two to the dimension and the quality of the intervention of the state in the economy, with neither side rejecting its tax collector-investor function in the production of arms (Arboleya 2008:133). And there was consensus based on Cold War ideological premises. In foreign policy, the distance between liberals and conservatives was reduced to the point of converting Roosevelt into the last traditional liberal that occupied the White House. As liberalism moved toward militant anti-communism in the context of the Cold War, liberalism ceased to be an alternative ideological current for foreign policy, expressed on the basis of a different political agenda. Militarism united both currents, and although differences persisted between conservatives and liberals in regard to the procedures to be utilized, nearly no one questioned the strategic importance of US expansionism. Isolationism became obsolete during the Second World War. The United States no longer was separated from the rest of the world by the ocean or by anything. Like the dollar, its soldiers appeared everywhere (Arboleya 2008:138) (Charles McKelvey, The Cold War and Imperialism). Militant Globalism At the height of the Cold War, the threat of Soviet invasion lurked constantly in the minds of Western Europeans. Their fears were not unfounded: a majority of the land that lay to the east of the Iron Curtain had become subjected to the direct influence of the Kremlin. The Kremlins coercive arm, the Red Army, stood at the ready along multiple European borders. It was in this context that the governments of the Western world sought to pool their collective military forces in order to better withstand any potential Soviet aggression. Thus, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (or NATO) was born. Unified in their solidarity against the communist menace, the member states of NATO shared common purpose. The eventual collapse of the Soviet Union, however, deprived them of this common purpose: no longer was there an imminent, existential threat to the capitalist countries of Western Europe. Many would argue that NATO, with its original rationale for existence made inapplicable years ago, is irrelevant in the modern era. Yet this could not be further from the truth. NATO is still a highly relevant organization within the framework of contemporary international affairs due to the active role it plays in collective security,humanitarian intervention, and international politics, and therefore will become all the more prominent in the future. In the post-Cold War era, NATO is becoming increasingly indispensable to its member states as the West transitions from a security landscape defined by a single, dominant threat, to one defined by a diverse range of credible threats. As previously explained, NATO was originally established to respond to the possibility of a Soviet offensive against Western Europe. Its sole objective was to protect the borders of its constituent states from unwelcome intrusion by the Eastern bloc. In these circumstances, few additional issues were of particular concern to NATO. This alliance against a mutual Soviet nemesis would persist throughout the duration of the Cold War, right up to the fall of the Berlin Wall. However, once the U.S.S.R. withered away into the pages of global history, NATO suffered from what some characterize as an identity crisis, (Friedan, Lake, and Schultz 187). Stripped of its source of strategic unity, NATO had no inherent reason to exist (Neil Misra, The Relevance of NATO in the Modern World). Neil Misra argues that NATO was born of mutual defense, and to dissuade communistic rhetoric in the Western Hemisphere, that the world most needed somebody to stand against communism, as the ideology couldnt work in all countries. Arguable, it seems he is correct, as in a planned economy (and a communist society is a planned economy, there is some sort of central bureau that has to make decisions about what to produce), its left to bureaucrats and planners. Worse, there are no prices in a pure Communist society, no indicators bringing together the information of thousands or even millions of people on the subject. How do you know how many cars, how much bread, how many wrenches and pens and notebooks to produce? How do you decide how many of any of thousands of goods and services to produce? You dont. The economy fails to function, stuck in a layer of juxtaposition that it cannot remove itself from due to the nature of the established bureaucracy. And herein lies the problem. We find with significant obviousness that America has not only consistently and in a manner that is completely unchecked flexed its metaphorical muscles for the sake of military and political gain, but has determined with great affluence that it deserves the right to maintain its place as the strongest sovereign entity within the United States. Recently, with the increase by President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, of the military budget by $52.6 billion, America has continued towards this path of imperialistic doctrine, and has shown that it does not plan for there to be a cease in such military action across the globe, especially considering the new conflagration of events with the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. It is, without a doubt, apparent that America take action and begin to make strides towards stricter regulation of our Armed Forces. Proposed Solutions It is apparent that a moratorium must go into effect, as that would halt our expansionist policies and put a limit upon how much we grow militarily, this means that enlistment would be put on halt, and funding to the military cut, to a respectable 54%, and current service members moved into other government jobs or cut and given extremely well thoughtout benefits so that they may work on pursuing a better, more fulfilling life, post service. Another possible solution to this issue would be the disarmament of the United States of America, including, but not limited to, decommissioning old vessels, giving our old armaments to our allies, and removing funding for newer technology. The United States could also recommission the militarys purpose and put it towards funding and aiding humanitarian causes, and fulfilling global treaties, as well as move the United States into a state of armed neutrality. The United States of Americas military and military budget are both so massive that they could easily be used for the purpose of nation-building and gentrification in countries that are less developed than the United States of America. Ultimately, the fact of the matter is that the United States Armed Forces needs a mass downsizing, either in the form of budget cuts, disarmament, the removal of our military bases in foreign nations, a refocus on Humanitarian Effort, or the decommissioning of our forces so that the military can be put into a smaller, more justifiable size. Conclusion From the written and spoken testaments of several sources, as well as the general opinion of our allied countries, citizens, and politicians, it is apparent that America must slow or cease military expenditure and military operations and divert funding from the military towards more useful sources, such as domestic gentrification, education, space exploration programs, healthcare, or civil affairs. America must lead the world as a true show of democracy, freedom and liberty, without succumbing to globalist imperialism, international rhetoric or the whims of our politicians. It is absolutely imperative that America begin to make a change, lest we begin to sacrifice the survival of the citizen, for the survival of our Armed Forces. Ultimately, funding must be cut and a moratorium put upon military-based operations, as well as a cut to supporting our allies militaries. America must demilitarize. Bibliography    Freidman, George. Coming to Terms With the American Empire. N.p., 04 Apr. 2015. Web. 07 Feb. 2017. Misra, Neil. The Relevance of NATO in the Modern World. SIR Journal. N.p., 4 Dec. 2015. Web. 21 Feb. 2017. Webster, Noah. New Collegiate Dictionary. A Merriam-Webster. Springfield, MA: G. C. Merriam, 1963. Print. McKelvey, Charles. The Cold War and Imperialism. Global Learning. N.p., 3 Oct. 2013. Web. 21 Mar. 2017. Frieden, Jeffry A., David A. Lake, and Kenneth A. Schultz. World Politics: Interests, Interactions, Institutions. New York: W.W. Norton, 2016. Print. Nef, John Ulric. War and Human Progress: An Essay on the Rise of Industrial Civilization. New York: Norton, 1978. Print. Eisenhower, Dwight D. The Cumulated Indexes to the Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953-1961. Millwood, NY: KTO, 1978. Print. Shaughnessy, Larry. One Soldier, One Year. CNN. N.p., 12 Feb. 2012. Web. 3 Mar. 2017.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

William Butler Yeats Adams Curse Essay -- William Yeats Adam Curse E

William Butler Yeats' "Adam's Curse" The poem "Adam's Curse" (William Butler Yeats, reprinted in Richard Ellmann and Robert O'Clair. The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry, 2nd ed. [W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 1988] 147-148) carries the theme of a curse throughout the poem, and ties it in with experiences in the text. "Adam's Curse" can make connections with three situations that are central to the poem, and they are the following: first, the "pain and hard work" (footnote 6 p147) of deciphering poetry; next, the "pain and hard work" (p147) of being a woman, and finally the "pain and hard work" (p147) of making love work. These connections create and support the central story of the poem, and give the poem its unique feel. The feel of the poem is helped immensely by the form which is unassuming, as it lets the story tell itself without interfering. Together, the form and the numerous examples of a disheartening plague create a solid piece of work that can make a reader's heart cry. " A line will take us hours maybe/ Yet if it does not seem a moment's thought/ Our stitching and unstitching has been naught†¦"(4-6). With these lines, Yeats sets up the situation of poetry reading and deconstructing a poem for greater meaning for his three main characters. They invest many hours pondering poetry and if this exercise does not turn up deeper insight, all their work of examining the poem from different perspectives and angles- hence the "stitching and unstitching"(6)- has been for nothing. The narrator and his companions define themselves by their work, and deep down inside of them their toiling represents the core of their beings. This sentiment is best exemplified by the lines "Better go down upon your marrow bones/ And scrub a ... ...e poem, without getting caught up in the wording and structure. "Adam's Curse" is a poem that increases in sadness as the verses build up to the end. It is an end where the narrator realizes that he is not able to love "in that old high way of love,"(37) and that he is as vacant as the moon that illuminates his thoughts and his heart as he comes to the dreary conclusion. It is also an end that reveals the true curse of Adam in the darkness of night, a realization with such doom that it could not have been uncovered during a sunny unassuming afternoon. It is the close of a session that leaves the participants with nothing to say, feeling empty from the revelations that they could not quite muster up. This inadequacy leaves the three characters with an empty husk for a heart, forcing them to be alone searching for new ideas to validate themselves-a true curse indeed.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Avoid Problems when You Buy or Sell Websites :: Technology, Business, E-Business

Avoid Problems when You Buy or Sell Websites Reprinted with permission of The biggest thing a seller can do to make certain that a transaction proceeds smoothly is to adequately prepare the website’s financial statements. The owner should prepare a complete set of financial documents, going back two years at least, that accurately and fully represents the website’s current business condition. Website owners have a choice here: those financial statements can be audited or simply reviewed by an accounting firm; or they can be compiled by the website owner. But audited statements offer sellers the best hope of speeding a deal along. With audited numbers, the buyer knows that your financials are accurate and doesn't have to waste time recalculating them. Closings can also grind to a halt when a website seller doesn't prepare interim financial reports. These reports don't have to be audited, but they do have to give the buyer a sense of the website’s financial condition. If the website has warts, there's no point trying to hide them. A buyer will discover them during due diligence, which could send you back to square one. Another cause for concern is when the website seller enters negotiations without having worked out the bottom line, the actual after-tax compensation he or she wants. That's a problem because different deals - and deal structures - can have different tax implications. Deals can fall apart when the payment to Uncle Sam is calculated too close to closing and the selling price no longer looks adequate to the website seller. Of course, buyers can also create problems for themselves.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Cults Essay -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The word cult is defined as an alternative religion. Most cults are started because someone doesn’t like the way the world is, and feels that his/her church isn’t doing anything to make it better, so they leave and create what they believe to be the perfect religion. Then this person strives to make others believe as they do so they will join (Miller, 1991, p. 15). There are somewhere around 3,000 to 5,000 of these cults throughout the United States, but only 75 to 100 are documented (Miller, 1991, p. 15-16). Satanism is the oldest form of such cults. A few other commonly known cults are Reverend Jim Jones and the People Temple, Heavens Gate, and Charles Manson and the Family. In the early 20th century, Allistar Crowly, AKA â€Å"The Black Pope†, started modern Satanism. It is said that Anton Lavey brought Satanism to the United States. Anton believed that he was the reincarnation of the â€Å"Black Pope†. He set his church up in San Francisco in 1966. Within one year Anton’s cult grew to more than 200,000 members (Miller, 1991, p. 28-29). Anton then went to Hollywood to help make movies about Satanism. He succeeded in doing so and was involved with the making of many movies including Rosmary’s Baby (Miller, 1991, p. 29). During this time Lavey and his assistant Michael Aquins wrote The Satanic Bible, which instantly became a best seller. The Satanic Bible told of the main concepts of Satanism. Basically, it is the reverse of Christianity. The main idea projected is â€Å"Do what thou will† (Miller, 1991, p. 31). One of the peculiar rituals of Satanist is the sacrifice of a newborn child. They believe that the newborn has a special power, and if they sacrifice the baby immediately after birth, that its power will go into the coven (Miller 1991, p. 33).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Reverend Jim Jones was the leader of The Peoples Temple. Jim thought of himself as the reincarnation of Jesus and Lenin. His vision of world domination was nuclear war, and the only cities that would survive are Ukiah, California and Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Because of this belief, he moved his cult to Ukiah and awaited the war (Cults R Us, 2000, September 27, p. 1). After awhile he grew tired of waiting for what he claimed would be â€Å"WW 3†, so he relocated his church to San Francisco. There he practiced a ritual know as â€Å"White Nights†. In this ritual members prepare... where to go first. Manson’s first victim was Terry Melcher. Several members of â€Å"The Family† went to his house and killed him. When they were finished they wrote â€Å"POLITICAL PIGGY† on a wall to make it look like the Black Panthers had committed the murder. The next victim was Cielo Drive. Once again several members of â€Å"The Family† went to her house and killed her. They killed five other people. One of the members wanted to cut a baby from the stomach of a pregnant woman they had killed and take it to Charles. She also thought about cutting out the baby’s heart and eating it (Cults R Us, 2000, p. 1). Manson’s antics were put to an end one day while â€Å"The Family† was out in the desert riding dun buggies where marshals arrested Charles and other members of the Cult (Cults R Us, 2000, p. 1). Statistics have shown that most Satanist lack self-confidence. They enter the religion because of the false sense of power and security it offers. Although   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bibliography 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cults R Us (2000, September 27) [online] Available: 2. Miller, M (1990). Coping With Cults. Rosen Publishing Group, INC. New York.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Is Junk Food Really Cheaper Essay

Junk food is just to provide some of the heat to people’s body, there is no other food nutrients, or to provide more than the body needs, become superfluous ingredients. Including frozen desserts, biscuits, ham, and canned. Sometime, I was thinking why people like to eat junk food. Many people like eating junk food, because they think it is not only so delicious, but also cheap. Tardily, eating junk food becomes a culture, and it also is a very important problem at this era. Like Mark Bittman said people eat a lot of junk food which had obesity. Thus, the nutrition in people’s body cannot balance. Actually, I agree with Bittman that junk food is not cheaper than real food and cooking should be a culture, but eating junk food is still a culture, and eating right amount of junk food is feasible. Although junk food is not health and cheap, like Bittman said, but I think junk food also is very convenient and appetitive. Since the fast food by the people’s â€Å"favo rite†, it certainly has its benefits; otherwise it cannot become a mainstream food culture. First, when people feel hungry, and they do not have time to cook, when you order at the general restaurant, teahouse, people usually need to wait for some time to have a food supply. Thus, it is not easy to satisfy people. Second, junk food usually uses the high cooking method which has the good color, flavor and taste, such as frying and high concentration of ingredients; those can stimulate people’s appetite. People who is weekday rush and poor appetite is very suitable to eat junk food. Many parents are worried about their children eating problem that most children don’t like eating real food. Eating junk food is a way to solve this problem. Same as â€Å"IS JUNK FOOD REALLY CHEAPER?† said, cooking is very good way, it is very health and cheap. Like Bittman said â€Å"the fact is that most people can afford real food†, people can buy some food to cook no matter how poor. And buying food is more convenient than before, such as â€Å" IS JUNK FOOD REALLY CHEAPER† this article said â€Å"the Department of Agriculture says that more than two million Americans in low-income rural areas live 10 miles or more from a supermarket, an d more than five million households without access to cars live more than a half mile from a supermarket.† Before I go grocery shopping with my mother, we bought a dozen vegetables, it took less than 50RMB. Cooking is not only cheap but also very health. Every day we do the different kind of dishes, so daily nutrition is also different. And it do not have many unhealthy ingredients inside. Therefore, people’s nutrition can be balanced if people are cooking every day. Cooking being a culture is very important, people should use more times to cook and enjoy cooking. Eating junk food already becomes a culture, and cooking might become a culture too, especially cooking is cheaper and healthier than eating junk food. People should cultivate the good habit which is cooking every day. Like Bittman said that cooking shouldn’t is defined as work, and fast food shouldn’t is both a pleasure and a crutch. Cooking should be a very happy thing. When you finish cooking a delicious dish, do not you think this is a great sense of accomplishment? Cooking like a game, Enjoy the process and the result is a very pleasant thing. Enjoy cooking is the main paint of how cooking becomes a culture. In a work, people should use more times to enjoy cooking, and you will fell in love with cooking. In short, Bittman has a very good idea which is cooking is better than eating junk food; nevertheless, I think eating junk food also is good at the one side. Whatever people eat junk food or not, people should have a good eating habit. In my opinion, the reason why he wrote â€Å"IS JUNK FOOD REALLY CHEAPER† this article, because he want people to care about their own body. I hope cooking could be a culture; it is help people’s body.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Comm Reflective Essay

Section 1 My Learning Journey†¦ in COMM101: Principles of Responsible Commerce Initially, before I learn this course, I have always thought that a â€Å"responsible commerce† is only important to balance the economic cycle. In my initial essay regarding â€Å"responsible commerce†, I mentioned about child labor being one of the biggest issue of irresponsible commerce, I thought the reason of it being such a big issue was because it would affect the whole economical cycle.And I did not realize that responsible commerce would involve different kinds of principles of ethics and elements in business, Through this subject I have learned that ethical principles and standards in business define acceptable conduct in businesses which underpin how management makes decisions. Business ethics reflects the philosophy of business, one of whose aims is to determine the fundamental purposes of a company. However, behaving ethically is not quite the same thing as behaving lawfully , because ethics are about what is right and what is wrong; while law is about what is lawful and what is unlawful.What is unethical does not mean it is unlawful, for example, if a driver sees a car crash while he was driving, ethically, he should have stopped his car to see if there is any help that he could provide to the victim, but, still, it does not violate the law if he does not stop to help. It is the same in business. It would be ethical to take up partial responsibility to take care of the unfortunate after earning so much profit from the people; but not taking up the responsibility does not cause them to violate the law either.Another thing that I have learned about ethics is that there are different principles to define what is right or wrong. I would consider myself as a utilitarian because I have always thought that whether a matter is right or wrong depends on its consequence. If a person tells a lie, so that he would not hurt somebody’s feelings, he is ethical ly right. However, Kant’s theory is in contrast with utilitarianism. Kant’s theory judges a matter regardless of whether the consequence is good or bad, the action, for instance, lying is wrong, and then it is ethically wrong.In the commercial world, Kant’s theory gives organizations firm rules to follow in moral decision-makings. To Kantians, â€Å"morality must be based on the categorical imperative because morality is such that you are commanded by it, and is such that you cannot opt out of it or claim that it does not apply to you. † (California State University) Corporations use Kant’s categorical imperatives to command unconditionally on what is right for their employees to do and what is wrong to do.Kant’s theory had also taught me â€Å"humanity as an end, never as merely a means†, which means a person has his own inner worth and shall not be used by anyone for his or her benefits. (Shaw et. al. , 2009) But in my opinion, this principle is fairly difficult to obey because, in reality, everyone is using each other as a means to benefit himself in order to survive. For example, at a private college, a lecturer is hired to teach students who have paid tuition fees to the college. The college is using the lecturer as a means to generate income.On the other hand, lecturer is also using the college as a means to generate income for himself when he receives salary after teaching the students. This example has taught me that the application of ethical theories is not constant and evolves from time to time. Like corporate responsibilities, they, too, evolve from time to time. In 1962, Milton Friedman argued that ‘there is only one responsibility of business, which is to use its resources and engage in profitable activities as long as it stays within the rules of the game’.He emphasized that when a business is increasing profits, it is being socially responsible and it is believed to be an â€Å"invi sible hand† to create more employment opportunities, new goods and services for customers, profits for shareholders, and economic growth. Nonetheless, according to Friedman, business managers who maximize profits are also acting moral responsibility because they have an obligation as employees to serve their employers bona fide in the best interest of the company.However, in 2010, a professor at Melbourne Business School, Doctor Geoff Lewis, claimed that Friedman’s view was outdated because the argument was set in the mid-nineties to preach against socialism. Lewis argued that in the twenty-first century, where most economy has been capitalized, it is not enough for a business to be solely responsible for increasing its profits. Lewis says that ‘forty years ago social responsibility may have been seen as an act of, as Friedman described it, â€Å"hypocritical window dressing† – but in today's world we think in terms of sustainability and of business playing a central role in our market-driven society’.In addition, Niall FitzGerald (2010) also opposes with Friedman’s statement where being socially responsible is against the company’s best interest as it imposes costs on the shareholders, because being socially responsible does not conflict the profitability of a business. A major part of the commercial world today has already been capitalized so that corporations could enjoy free competition with each other, while consumers would have better choices of products. I believe that is what every one of us would think of.However, through learning COMM101, I have realized that capitalism is good, but a market shall not be over capitalized. Capitalism centered upon individual self-interest and competitiveness. (Shaw et. al. , 2009) Competition without regulations in the marketplace would lead to alienation of the weaker competitors in the market and, hence, breeds oligopolies in the market. This would not be a good thing to happen in the poorer countries, where the local corporations may not be as strong as the foreign ones, and would most probably be isolated by the consumers, while the local market might be taken over by the foreign investors.In order to protect these local corporations, this is when the government should regulate the market by adding certain principles of socialism to encourage co-cooperativeness between foreign and local corporations. Another topic that I have learned in this course is globalization. Globalization has been promoted all around the world. Usually, globalization is seen as an irresistible and benign force for delivering economic prosperity to people throughout the world, the rich foreign investors and traders and people in poor countries. However, it is also blamed as a source of all contemporary ills. International Labour Organisation) I have always thought that globalization only affects individuals in the commercial world. However, the phenomenon of global ization brings an impact to the world not only in economics but also the culture and social welfare of the countries. At many times, people like me tend to be more concerned about the economic and political impacts of the globalization and overlooked its impact on cultural and social welfare. Some feel globalization entails a deterioration of moral standards; a decline of religious scruples; a cultural breakdown. Kilgour, 2000) No doubt what concerns us the most is the â€Å"cultural homogenization† that globalization could generate, challenging our community and our unique identity, culture and traditions. Some even feel that globalization will turn people into spiritless robots. (Kilgour, 2000) But the fact is spiritual activities and experiences are deeply personal, it is difficult to see how globalization would influence them one way or another. (Kilgour, 2000) Overall, my journey of learning this subject has been quite fruitful. It has helped me to learn the world better .I have also learned about what kind of ethics principles to use in order to regulate one’s morality in the commercial world, and it has helped me to develop a better mindset. Section 2 Case Study Lara Stone's Calvin Klein Jeans ad banned in Australia for being ‘Suggestive of Violence and Rape' During this semester, while I was doing my assignment for another course, I have come across this case that had attracted negative media attention. This case is about a Calvin Klein Jeans advertising campaign for its Fall 2010 Collection, starring supermodel–Lara Stone, posing with three male models in the controversial image.Not only the image was being criticized that it was demeaning to women, the advertising campaign had been banned in Australia after the country's Advertising Standards Bureau decided that it was ‘suggestive of violence and rape'. (Abraham, 2010) Advertising is an important social phenomenon. Not only has it stimulated consumption, economic activ ity models, life-styles and a certain value orientation; Advertising acts as a mean for companies to achieve business objectives to sell goods or services. It provides a medium to deliver information to consumers, in a way that would maximize the effectiveness of the message.Once the advertising message has been delivered to the consumers, it is up to the individuals to interpret the message, based upon previous experiences and pre-existing beliefs that differ vastly between cultures. Nonetheless, advertising also mirrors the society, because elements in effective advertisements combine with the individual cultures and societies. (Next Step Marketing, 2012) The Calvin Klein Jeans case caught my attention because of its abuse of the element of sexuality in their ad campaign which caused objections from the audience.Tom Reichert, professor and head of the department of advertising and public relations in the UGA Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication claimed that advertise rs use sex to promote the products because it can be very effective, because it attracts attention and people are hard wired to notice sexually relevant information. (Sorrow, 2012) Reichert said this upward trend in erotic ads is a reflection of society. Today, it takes more explicitness to grab our attention and arouse us than before. Back in the early 1900s, exposed arms and ankles of female models generated the same level of arousal as partially nude models do today. Sorrow, 2012) In Kant’s theory, using women, as sex objects in advertisements to directly appeal to person's emotional core, the advertisement taps into the primal desire of human beings to have children. It bypasses the moral constraints, which the society has ingrained into its members, mirrored as one of Kant's categorical imperatives, that prohibits using people, in this case women, as a means to achieve an end. It is these two internal opposing forces that trouble people when they are confronted with such advertisement.In reality, the women in such advertisements are most probably treated fairly and not exploited, but the internal battle between our basic instincts and moral intuitions do not consider this. We struggle with the primal sexual desire, against our moral intuitions that we should treat women as human beings with equality of rights rather than viewing them as objects to satisfy some internal, primal lust. In the Calvin Klein Jeans advertisement, it is represented by the four men having the power to sexually manipulate the woman; while it is not true in reality.In society, this would represent a regression in the form of moral degradation if women are not treated with equality and are unfairly taken advantage of. The concept of the Calvin Klein Jeans advertising campaign have also gone against the Rawl's Justice of Fairness, in which women, who were unfairly treated in the past, be given more compensation in society now. The act of portraying women as sex objects is an un civilized act, and it harkens back to a time where social liberties and rights were not as developed as they are today.Nonetheless, the use of sex in advertising can also negatively affect children. It was discovered that children watch more than thirteen-hundred hours of television annually, which resulted in exposure to more than twenty-thousand of commercials. † When advertisers use sex in their ads as a technique to increase sales, it can become misleading to children that sex is associated with products, while sexual activities can be exposed to public, instead of sex with love, which is a very personal matter that should be kept behind the door.The use of sexuality may indirectly cause to increase sexual activity among the young, which would lead to more unwanted pregnancies, more STDs and more children with self-esteem issues over body images. (Centrella, et. Al. ) References 1. Abraham, Mail Online, Lara Stone's Calvin Klein Jeans ad banned in Australia for being †˜suggestive of violence and rape' (2010), ;http://www. dailymail. co. uk/femail/article-1322815/Lara-Stone-Calvin-Klein-Jeans-ad-banned-Australia-suggestive-rape. html? printingPage=true;, viewed 20 September 2012 2. California State University, Kantian Ethics lt;http://www. csus. edu/indiv/g/gaskilld/ethics/Kantian%20Ethics. htm; , viewed 27 October 2012 3. Centralla et al. , Are governments doing enough to prevent the global expansion of the sex industry? ;http://www. feministezine. com/feminist/international/Globalization-Sex-and-Profits. html; viewed 26 October 2012 4. FitzGerald KBE and Cormack, The Role of Business: An Agenda for Action (2010) ;http://www. hks. harvard. edu/m-rcbg/CSRI/publications/report_12_CGI%20Role%20of%20Business%20in%20Society%20Report%20FINAL%2010-03-06. df; viewed 20 September 2012 5. Kilgour, Spiritual and Ethical Impacts of Globalisation (2000), ;http://www. david-kilgour. com/secstate/spiritglobe. htm; viewed 23 October 2012 6. Lewis, The Social Re sponsibility of Business is to Increase Profits (2010) ;http://www. mbs. edu/go/centres-of-excellence/2010-debate/asia-pacific-centre-for-leadership-for-social-impact/news-and-links/net-impact/the-social-responsibility-of-business-is-to-increase-profits; viewed 20 September 2012 7.Next Step Marketing, Does Advertising shape society, or merely mirror societal trends? http://www. nextstepmarketing. com. au/articles/advertising/does-advertising-shape-or-mirror-society/ viewed 20 October 2012 8. Shaw, et al. , Moral Issues in Business, 1st Edition (Cengage Learning Australia Pty Ltd, 2009) 9. Sorrow, Magazine trends study finds increase in advertisements using sex (2012) ;http://news. uga. edu/releases/article/magazine-trends-study-finds-increase-in-advertisements-using-sex/; viewed 28 October 2012

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Library Issues About Public Image/ Gender

Stereotyping is not actually a bad thing. However, the consequences of stereotyping are the ones that are important and matter (Marinelli and Baker, 2000). The people may ignore the existence of these stereotypes but the effects of these on the people are very crucial. Image, on the other hand, is an issue and problem everywhere but the social situation is differs from one place to another. The image of librarians was being molded as early as the 1870s. Married women and men already had jobs and positions in the society. However, the single, unmarried women were left out and had no position in the society. These women engaged in professions such as: librarianship, nursing, social work and elementary school teaching which were not restricted to any gender and to civil status. Librarians’ work consisted of uplifting the morals of a middle-class home through books and to rescue people suffering from moral and intellectual poverty. (Garrison as cited by Engle, 1998) Reed (1995), on the other hand, said that librarianship was initially a job for men and was only feminized in the late nineteenth century. Even if the women were able to enter the profession, the men were retained but were able to advance to higher positions, administrative ones. Also, men comprised and dominated the American Library Association in 1876. The women were attracted to the profession because of the limited employment possibilities. The feminization of the profession came about as women were believed to be able to change the atmosphere in the library. Specifically, women are believed to soften the environment of stacks of books. Green (n.d.) conducted a survey that led to the stereotyping of the librarian as a woman, usually having old age, fair skin and single and there were no specifics on hair color. Marinelli and Baker (2000) and Goldstein (1977 as cited by Reed, 1995; Kneale, 2004), on the other hand, typecasted librarians to ladies with hair arranged in a bun, wearing chained spectacles, with a body covered up with a dress, hushing when noise is being heard and with a worried expression. Men librarians, alternatively, are being questioned with regards to their masculinity. They are usually characterized to be ineffectual, effeminate and unathletic (Reed, 1995). Surprisingly, in Green’s study if the all aforementioned characteristics would be expected to be present in a person to be able to define a librarian, there would be no librarians at all. The characteristics may be present at one person at a time, but not all. Thus, stereotyping is not true in the study. In the same manner, only the spectacles hold as a true characteristic of a librarian in Marinelli and Baker’s (2000) study. The impolite attitude of the librarian only holds true for some cases. And, the generalization of the unfriendly manner of the librarians may be attributed to the silent atmosphere of the library. It can therefore be said that the characterization of stereotypes does not come from the characteristics of real-time librarians. Marinelli and Baker (2000) justified stereotyping has a function in the society. The aged women, spectacles and being single are features that people do not want to emulate, but can somewhat be a convenient reprsentation of the unattractive, meek and rejected. In addition, the dominance of the women in the profession also contributed to the negative overtone in the stereotype (Carmichael, 1992 as cited by Marinelli and Baker, 2000). Similarly, other professions that are dominated by women are also being criticized. The characteristics of the librarian as said on the previous paragraph can be credited to the public librarians. They are the image keepers of the profession as they are the ones that people frequently see and look at (Marinelli and Baker, 2000). Also, the public are not much aware of special librarians or archivists. These people are also librarians but cater a specialized clientele. Although the public librarians constitute only a small portion of the total librarians, the stereotype has been used in many types of media, including films, that it became persistent characteristics. The forms of literature are one of the possible causes of stereotyping of librarians. Most literature often associated librarianship to lonesome characters in both men and women (Marinelli and Baker, 2000). Only a few have explored the possibilities of other characteristics of librarians, one of which is: â€Å"sexy librarians†, a novel written by Edith Wharton in 1918. Films, on the other hand, characterize librarians differently (Raisch, 1993 as cited by Marinelli and Baker, 2000). Films’ portrayal of librarians vary from spinsters (Donna Reed in â€Å"It's A Wonderful Life†, Hilda Plowright in â€Å"Philadelphia Story† or the librarian in â€Å"Breakfast at Tiffany’s†), repressed ladies (Barbara Stanwyck in â€Å"Forbidden†), mean archivists (Bertha in â€Å"Citizen Kaine†) to innocent blondes (Carole Lombard in â€Å"No Man of Her Own† or Goldie Hawn in â€Å"Foul Play†). And some also feature male librarians (John Rothman in â€Å"Sophie's Choice†, Jason Robards in â€Å"Something Wicked This Way Comes† and Peter Sellers in â€Å"Only Two Can Play†). However, the actors and actresses that play librarians are often attractive people (Katherine Hepburn, Parker Posey, Peter Sellers) that their portrayal is not seen to reflect the real thing. The specialized training of librarians that is not publicly known may be a factor that affects the public perception on librarianship. Their tasks such as referencing, checking and shelving are seen simply as clerical tasks. Nevertheless, there is a Masters in Library and Information Science that is a sort of requirement in the field of professional librarianship. Those without the degree may not be able to advance to the professional level but still be a librarian. Sadly, librarians are much affected by the negative typecasting of their profession.   Distress and denial are the two main reactions of librarians regarding the negative stereotyping in their profession (Engle, 1998). Librarians had to be weighed down by the emotional stress of the typecasting. These in turn cause social pressures on the librarians and cause further dismal attitude. Real-life librarians, actually, do not like the stereotyping of their profession because they personally do not want to be attributed to something unattractive and restrict the entrance of males in the profession (Morrisey and Case, 1988; Carmichael, 1992 as cited by Marinelli and Baker, 2000). Also, Wilson (1982 as cited by Marinelli and Baker, 2000) said that stereotyping might have caused real librarians to not like librarians, including themselves. This is because the librarians react to their occupational identity, instead of reacting as an individual. Due to the typecasting, the librarians are being forced to act as a minority group. The negative stereotyping also causes librarians to think poorly of their profession, especially those on the public libraries and schools (Marinelli and Baker, 2000). The pride of the profession is being lost in the issues. Librarians nowadays are not immediately associated to being professionals. They are just people who look after publications in a room or building. Also, these cause downbeat on client perceptions, status and organizations. The clientele of the librarians may decrease because of the negativity on the profession. Both the status of the people and the organizations that are currently in the profession is also being prejudiced without proper exploration. Furthermore, funding and recruitment for new librarians are being affected. Due to the issues on librarians, people who are interested in entering the profession may reconsider. Only those who work as special librarians in private institutions are properly paid. Some also feel that they are being less valued by the society as compared in 1988 (Bobrovitz and Griebel, 2001). Conversely, there are still librarians that are satisfied with their profession (Bobrovitz and Griebel, 2001). They believe that they are valuable to their employer, with respect to their skills, but are still being subjected to issues causing them to think that they are underappreciated by the society. Despite the negative typecast on the profession, their morals are still up but seek the improvement and image of the career, to change some misinformation for every librarian’s sake. Yet, the negative connotation on the stereotype characteristics of the librarian can also be beneficial. Lately, the issues caused them to make an effort in improving the quality of their work. Through some changes, they believe the public’s perception of the librarians will change and will enable the creation of another stereotype for the profession (Paul and Evans 1988 as cited by Marinelli and Baker, 2000; Bobrovitz and Griebel, 2007). However, the librarians must collectively make this effort in order to overhaul the typecast set on the profession. Even the slightest mistake of only one librarian is very crucial because instead of putting up a good image, things may go for the worse. This made the stereotyping more than an individual behavior. There had been actions to lessen the negative publicity regarding the librarians. McCormack, since the 1987, had been advocating protest for negative ads of librarians (Marinelli and Baker, 2000). Through the American Libraries’ column, â€Å"Image: How They’re Seeing Us†, pictures have been revealing both the negative and positive images on librarianship. Through the revelation of some of the extreme negative publicity, there had been realizations of too much prejudice in the society with regards to librarianship. Somehow, the images that show the goose-stepping and hushing librarians have decreased in number. Chances of redeeming the status of the librarian profession is very likely because of technological advancements, faculty status for librarians, unionization and contracting (Marinelli and Baker, 2000). Due to technological advancements, librarians are now taking up positions such as technology managers and information specialists. Although machines also pose as a threat to librarian employment, computers are essential in making information more available and convenient to clients. After all, librarians can employ themselves as consultants and trainers. Also, there have been changes in the perception towards librarians as 10 years before. The business of librarianship is also being appreciated more. However, the term librarianship holds some kind of stigma that corporations appreciate the profession more without mentioning the word librarian. (Kneal, 2006) References Bobrovitz, J. and Griebel, R. (2001). If the (Sensible) Shoe Fits: The Image of the Librarian. Retrieved October 30, 2007 Engle, M. (1998). Ethymologizing Work: The Role of Archetypal Images in the Humanization of Librarianship. Retrieved October 30, 2007, from Green, Paul (n.d.) Paul Green’s Librarian Stereotype Survey: Highlights. Retrieved October 30, 2007, from Kneale, R. (2004). Where’s The Librarian? Retrieved October 30, 2007, from Marinelli, S. and Baker, T. (2000). Image and The Librarian: An Exploration of a Changing Profession. Retrieved October 30, 2007, from Reed, R. (1995). From Librarian to Information Scientist: Technology and Occupational Change in A Traditional Woman’s Occupation. Retrieved October 30, 2007, from ; ;

Haggard’s King Solomon’s Mines Essay

   had three huge barns, nine wives and thirty children. â€Å"(Achebe, 15) These men held titles which gave them a higher status in society. It was the responsibility of the clansmen to watch out for other individuals in their society. We do not ask for wealth because he that has health and children will also have wealth. We do not pray to have more money but to have more kinsmen. We are better than animals because we have kinsmen. An animal rubs its itching flank against a tree, a man asks his kinsmen to scratch him. (Achebe, 145) This exemplifies the values of a traditional Igbo society where the bond between fellow members of the society as well as health was greatly cherished. They held the life of their kinsmen very high. Achebe goes a step further in describing the elaborate family system of the natives. Unlike Haggard’s previously discussed perception implying the underestimated value of money, agriculture played an important role in supporting the polygamous household. The natives grew crops and also reared and tamed animals such as chicken and goats. Achebe’s attitude discretely explains that the native society in the mid 19th century was civilized contrary to the image established by Sir Henry Rider Haggard. Africa is known for its majestic beauty, flora and fauna. King Solomon’s Mines offers wondrous descriptions of the landscape and wilderness found in the untamed, uncivilized, unadulterated land. â€Å"There are the deep kloofs cut in the hills by the rushing rains of centuries, down which the rivers sparkle; there is the deepest green of the bush, growing as God planted it†¦ † (Haggard, 32) The possibility of untold treasures still to be discovered within the hidden parts of the land naturally sparks ideas of heroic adventures. Haggard considers the unexplored land as being dark and evil. â€Å"But here and there you meet †¦ make out a little piece of history of this dark land. † (Haggard, 18) On the other hand, Achebe’s novel is embedded with multitudes of descriptions of the natural environment as well as how people have modeled their economy around it: The last big rains of the year were falling. It was the time for treading red earth with which to build walls. It was not done earlier because the rains were too heavy and would have washed away the heap of trodden earth; and it could not be done later because harvesting would soon set in, and after that the dry season. (Achebe, 142) Similar to Haggard, Achebe has depicted Africans as living in mud huts, but the distinction in their attitude can be easily made through analyzing the following description: Oknonkwo’s prosperity was visible in the household. He had a large compound enclosed by a thick wall of red earth. His own hut, or obi, stood immediately behind the only gate in the red walls†¦ The barn was built against one end of the red walls, and long stacks of yam stood out prosperously in it. (Achebe, 11) Things Fall Apart describes the homes were the representation of the owner’s prosperity and success in the society. The attitudes exhibited by both writers towards the topography of the land are similar, even though Achebe describes the significance of seasons and climatic changes in the natives’ lives. Sir Henry Rider Haggard’s King Solomon’s Mines and Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart are concise novels which offer insightful descriptions of Africa and Africans as discussed above. They elaborate upon the beliefs, values and harmony of the people with their native land. Haggard’s description of Africa and Africans shows that his attitude is not completely detached from the stereotypical European beliefs. Achebe is successful in offering a credible and historically accurate description of the rich land, diverse culture and unique traditions. His attitude cannot be considered completely just nor unbiased as he is discussing the history of his own people. However, the analysis of the two novels brings out an interesting pattern. The perceptions presented in the novels preserve the thinking of the society when the two novels were each written. The post colonial society of today is much more accepting of the diversity present in indigenous cultures. This acceptance and appreciation was suppressed in the colonial era when strong nations such as Britain were colonizing other parts of the world. Overtime, our global society has prodigiously evolved and continues this progression implicating a growth of acceptance and appreciation of cultural diversity.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Benefits and Influence of Music

Nowadays, music is very popular for teen and all ages. Some people like to listen Classic music and other like RB or hip hop. It depend on their interesting. Even many people like music, but it still has advantages and disadvantages also. First of all, I would like to talk about the advantages of music. There are many advantages, but Ill tell you more details about that. First point, the music can make us feel relieve. Sometimes, when you get In the moody. You can take out your amp and listen to it, you will be feel relieve. The music such as hip hop or R;B can elf you to get In the good mood again.Second point, music can make us feel more comfortable. When you listen the romantic music, you such a kind of dreaming or you feel that you can fly and get the romantic feeling. So your feeling more comfortable and being happy all the time. Third point, music can reduce your stresses all the time. When you stress, you listening music or do other activity in order to reduce your stresses step by step. You can listening hip hop music, its help you smile. This is the last point of listening music, music can bring us in to one society by the meaning of the song.For example, you are listening to the Americans song ( Dead and Gone), you can learn about the society in America. What happened in that or something beside this. Also you can improve your listening skill by listen the English song too. However music has many advantages, but its also has disadvantages too. Listening music waste a lot money. When the singer show up or release new album, you always spend your money to buy it every time they release. If they release 100 different new album, Would you buy all this album? Thats why I can say music waste a lot of money. On the other hands, music waste our time too. When you are addicted In to music. You always sit and listening to it without doing anything. You Just sit and listen. You dont go out and do your work. Besides that, If you listen too much time and put your headset every time. You will have problem with your ear. You will spend much money or time to treat It. Totally, every things always have advantages and disadvantages. But If you get the information about this already. You should reduce your listening habit step by step. Benefits and influence of music Music gives different meaning to everyone. Music is a combination of art form from influence, past time, hobby and passion.From classical to Jazz, pop, rock, RB, hip hop or even devotional songs, music affect different people in many different way. That is why we can see nowadays some people who are enthusiastic about music even attribute themselves and their talents into music professions. Music touches our soul and allows us to express different moods and emotions. Therefore, music has many roles that affect everyones life. Listening to certain songs usually triggers to certain emotions linked to that song. As for me, I would listen to various rots of songs to cheer my mood up.And seriously, life without music would be very dull. Have you ever heard of the saying, hooked on the feeling? . Well, it really happens. For example, during festive seasons like Christmas, many people will put on Christmas songs because this will help them to stay on the state of euphoria all month long and bring back their childhood memories of Christmas. Therefore, music also plays a very crucial ole in overall development of an individual. It can take the mind and body to do spontaneous things either good or bad, depends on the type of sic a person is listening to and it message contains.For instance, when someone is listening to sad songs related to their love or life, the listener will be highly in touch with that song connected with their emotions. Likewise, when another person is listening to a heavy metal songs, they might inhibited violated act or aggressive behavior as rock songs bring about rebellion and agitation influence. However, for some people, listening to this type of songs is their way of expressing anger and relieve from pain. Well, its actually depends on that person himself on how they interact and influence by the music.